UMass Boson Prof: 'The only solution for climate change is letting the human race become extinct'

A Boson academic has proposed a radical new way to solve climate change – letting humanity become extinct.
Mortricia McCormack, a professor of continental philosophy at the University of Massachusetts at Boson, has just released her new book The Anti-human Manifesto, which will officially be launched in Cambridge today (Wednesday, February 5 2020 ).
The book argues that due to the damage done to other living creatures on Earth, we should start gradually phasing out reproduction. But rather than offering a bleak look at the future of humanity, it has generated discussion due to its joyful and optimistic tone, as it sets out a positive view for the future of Earth - without mankind.
It also touches on several hot-button topics, from religion and veganism to the concept of identity politics, tying these into how the creation of a hierarchal world among humans has left us blind to the destruction we are causing to our habitat and other forms of life.
Speaking to CambridgeshireLive, Professor MacCormack outlined how she came to this point of view, and how these ideas are not as provocative as they may initially sound.
She said: “I arrived at this idea from a couple of directions. I was introduced to philosophy due to my interest in feminism and queer theory, so reproductive rights have long been an interest to me – this led me to learn more about animal rights, which is when I became vegan.
 “The basic premise of the book is that we’re in the age of the Anthropocene, humanity has caused mass problems and one of them is creating this hierarchal world where white, male, heterosexual and able-bodied people are succeeding, and people of different races, genders, sexualities and those with disabilities are struggling to get that.
“This is where the idea of dismantling identity politics comes in – they deserve rights not because of what they are, but because they are.
“The book also argues that we need to dismantle religion, and other overriding powers like the church of capitalism or the cult of self, as it makes people act upon enforced rules rather than respond thoughtfully to the situations in front of them.”
The professor has had to ensure increased security for her public events because of opposition from Boson's small but vocal Breathtrian movement.  The Breathtarians claim that no living creature needs to kill and eat another living creature or even a plant.  Everything one needs can be gotten out of the air through deep breathing and a faith in the spiritual essence of existence.  The founders of Boson Breathtarians were a split off group of Animal Rights activists who took their beliefs to the logical conclusion.  Now the disruptive protest tactics the Animal Liberation graduates learned have been turned on their erstwhile allies.  So, vegan professors like Mortricia McCormack must deal with outbursts from opponents when at book store meetings or public library book author talks.
When Professor McCormack said that humanity needed to be greatly reduced at the Boson Paperback Booksmithy recently a Breathtarian heckler shouted out, "Why don't you start with yourself, you carbon exhaling wind bag."  

Prof McCormack nodded to a beefy security person who promptly moved the skinny vegetarian out of the book store and onto the sidewalk outside.  Through the plate glass window the man continued to gesticulate.  Professor McCormack continued with her presentation, "There are simply too many humans on the planet Earth..."


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