City of Boson Health Dept Issues Guidelines to Distinguish Between Human Excrement and Dog Droppings - "Please Don't Call to Report Dog Poop, Our Hands Are Full Already"

Forum Novelties Fake Chunky Dog Doo
Boson Herod

Boson, MA: While some may chuckle the City of Boson is having a problem with human excrement left behind as a result of the city's homeless problem. The recent decision of Starbucks to allow any person to use their bathrooms without buying anything has helped relieve the problem, a little. The city has even arranged shuttle buses to ferry homeless people, or anyone, to the Starbucks across the river in Boston to use the restrooms there.

But still the city has been getting a growing number of complaints about human fecal matter in public places. The waste is both unsightly and off putting as well as a public health hazard.

"Unless we catch someone in the act, we can't act and issue a citation," the city's health department sergeant at arms Michael 'Mickey' McGrabb. "We check with business security cameras and often come up with suspects. We have to scout the area homeless encampments down by the Neponset River and match a suspect with the video evidence. But then we have to get a DNA specimen from the suspect with the suspects permission. Most of them tell us to 'go f**k yourselves' and we are back to square one."

"We ask the homeless people to use the shuttle buses, but most of them say they can't wait. To be frank, a lot of them are drinking by noontime and also smoking when they can get it. So, taking a bus to the Starbucks over the water in Boston doesn't make sense."

Some have suggested that the city could simply build public restrooms and pay people to keep them clean. But this would require the spending of public monies, and that is a very unpopular idea with the 'in' crowd in Boson, or across the country. So, expect more turds in public places.

The City of Boson Department of Public Health recommended this article.

Differences Between Human & Animal Manure By Scott Cornell Updated September 26, 2017
Manure: It smells, it's unpleasant to see and it certainly isn't dinner table conversation. But it's something that both animals and humans produce. There are several differences between human and animal manure in terms of quantity and composition. Also, while human manure is merely flushed away, there are beneficial uses for many types of animal manure.


One major difference between humans and animal feces is how much of it is produced. For example, according to, the average human eliminates 2 pounds of waste per day. This is a stark contrast to animals such as elephants that eliminate up to 80 pounds per day. Farm animals such as pigs defecate 12 pounds per day and cattle eliminate 92 pounds per day.


Horse, cow, goat, sheep and rabbit manure can be used as a means of fertilization. Because these animals are all plant-eaters, their manure is high in nutrients and organic matter, which can help stimulate the growth of crops and grass. For example, cow manure can be used as a top dressing for crops and for soil improvement. According to, anywhere from 75 percent to 90 percent of the plant nutrients fed to animals are excreted in their manure. Manure of meat-eating animals such as dogs should not be used as fertilizer because it can contain harmful bacteria and parasites.


If a human were to eat manure, whether it be his own of that of an animal, it could make him very sick. However, hamsters have a different digestive system than humans and most other animals. Therefore, it's common to see them eating their own feces. This is because the digestive system of a hamster produces two types of excrement: one that's full of nutrients and one that's primarily waste. It's common to see hamsters eating the nutrient-filled feces to obtain the nutrients and fully digest them, according to Hamster Hideout.


According to, 75 percent of human manure is water. The remaining 25 percent is composed of indigestible fiber, dead bacteria and living bacteria. Because there's bacteria in human feces, there's a risk that it could be carrying parasites or harmful organisms, which is why it's flushed away. Comparably speaking, cow manure contains plant nutrients that can be reused for other purposes. It also contains animal tissues and minerals that can also provide fertilization benefits.


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