Mayor Welsh Neutral as City Council Liberal Democratic Woman Denounces Yacht Club 'Bum-Bum' Calendar Posted in Boson City Hall

Boson City council work was brought to a standstill when a point of order was made for Councilor Erin McTeague to vent her opposition to a 'girlie' calendar that was posted in the second floor break room next to the vending machines at Boson City Hall.

"The objectification of women must stop! Right here, right now, we are stopping that kind of behavior." Councilor McTeague then ostentatiously ripped up the calendar as she stood at the podium.  "That will be recycled.  The idea of looking at half dressed women belongs in the recycle bin of history." she added.  There was heavy applause from the mostly female Democratic side of the room while the conservatives and Republicans sat in stone faced silence with their arms crossed.

A police investigation into who taped the risque calendar onto the bulletin board failed to turn up a suspect.  Police finger print tests only found Councilor McTeague's fingerprints which she explained must have gotten on the calendar when she took it down.

"What if children had seen that calendar?" Councilor McTeague asked.  "What if a Muslima in a headscarf went in to the break room and saw those women in bikinis?  That is haram!"

When asked by the media what he thought of the controversy Mayor Marty Welsh said, while displaying his "This is what a Feminist looks like" t-shirt, "I hardly ever go to the second floor where the racy calendar was found.  Sometimes to use the bathroom, or the vending machines."  The mayor has been accused of pandering to Boson's large Lesbian community near the beaches even though he is a self described 'moderate' and a Republican and not a big booster of the 'women's issues' generally raised by the Liberal Democrats on the city council who are mostly women, and mostly Lesbians or Pansexual.

(Boson Liberal Dem City Councilors - Guess Which Ones Are Gay)

One page on the offending calendar even seemed to advocate 'brown bag' drinking of alcoholic beverages, and from the scale of the photograph that is a 40oz. bottle the young woman is holding.

"Where where her parents?" Councilor McTeague implored as she held up the photo as a lurid example of what she was condemning.  "Would she be happy if her mother saw that picture?"

Other photos that the councilor did not display were even more suggestive of risky behavior.



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