Boson City Council Condemns Mayor Welsh Condemning G. Thunberg's Climate Justice Campaign As Thunberg's Yacht Docks in Boson (AP) 25 Sept 2019

Boson—Describing his behavior as deeply inappropriate, Liberal Democratic city council leaders roundly criticized Boson Republican Mayor Marty Welsh on Tuesday, 24 September 2019,  for attacking climate activist Greta Thunberg instead of just offering her praise and then subsequently ignoring her.

“Yet again, we have seen the cruel and vindictive nature of a conservative mayor who thinks it’s acceptable to hurl schoolyard taunts at this wonderful young woman instead of acting very interested in what she has to say and then doing nothing whatsoever about it,” said City Council leader Ema Strickland, adding that this incident raised questions about the fundamental decency of someone who would mock an activist who tries to look like a 12-year-old despite being a 16-year-old.   The mayor should be gleaning whatever social capital he can from her and then pretending as though she never existed.

“I want to say right now to Ms. Thunberg that Mayor Welsh’s dismissive comments do not represent the city of Boson as a whole. I assure you that the next time you want to speak to leaders who could benefit from being associated with climate activism, the Democratic party is here for you as long as the cameras are rolling and not a second longer.” Strickland  went on to condemn local Fox News television outlet for launching ad hominem attacks against Thunberg instead of merely criticizing her proposals as unrealistic and anti-business.  "New 'Green Deal' laws will greatly benefit large capitalist companies, and the Fox News people at the top know that.  They are simply playing to their ignorant base.

G. Thunberg's special carbon-intense sailboat docked in Boson Harbor waiting for the return trip crew which is flying from Europe to bring the craft back across the Atlantic Ocean.  G. Thunberg's trip used more carbon than most regular people will use in a life-time. 

G. Thunberg will fly across the ocean in a commercial airline.  Being a 'climate justice activist' requires a lot of traveling around the world. Former Vice President Albert Gore has clocked millions of miles flying around the globe many times to tell people to travel less and live a simpler lifestyle.  Al Gore owns several homes in several states.  

The Thunberg family, who sell books and t-shirts to help fund G. Thunberg's activist travels is also outfitting the yacht crew with 'antifa' or 'antifascist' t-shirts.  The crew has promised not to take part in any demonstrations against fascists or Republicans who support Mayor Welsh or President Trump while in the Port of Boson. The crew has booked a room at the Boson Trump Hotel even though the workers at the hotel are currently on strike for higher wages and benefits.  The crew has promised not to cross the labor union picket lines at the Trump Hotel because they will use the side door.  "Higher wages for workers only creates more waste and carbon," the captain of the crew explained.  "Workers need to accept a lower standard of living to help the environment." 

G. Thunberg has also announced that her family is taking a cue from Climate Justice Warriors Al Gore and former President Obama and buying ocean front property to watch the seas rise in comfort and with the ability to tell the world when the tide is coming in while chanting, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling." 

See: The Boy Who Cried Wolf -


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