Boson Mayor Welsh Waves to Striking Trump Hotel Workers from Luxury Yacht (Boson Globe) 27 Sept 2019

Boson, MA:  In what he claims is a nod to striking labor union members on a picket line near Battered Wharf's Trump Tower, self proclaimed "Blue Collar Conservative" Mayor Martin Welsh sailed through Boson Harbor with a number of union leaders aboard.

Mayor Welsh says it would be wrong for him to walk the picket line with the workers because the leader of a city should remain neutral and encourage both sides to compromise to reach "an equitable solution."

Local 62 of the Hotel Workers Union have been on strike for over four weeks as the Trump owned hotel management has refused to give in to workers demands for better pay and less expensive health insurance premiums and co-pays.

"The Christmas bonuses of the whole management team is on the line here," a visibly frustrated hotel spokesman said.  "Many managers make a quarter of their income with the end of year bonus, even if they don't celebrate Christmas.  The selfish, overpaid workers are clearly trying to take Christmas away from the upper class managers.  What's the point of being upper class if we don't make a lot more money than the low-skill low-income nobodies who clean the toilets and take out the trash?"

"The workers are clearly attacking the entire idea of capitalism," the spokesman added.  "Capitalism is the pinnacle of human achievement and responsible for all the good things we see around us in the City of Boson, well the nice parts, and, indeed, across American.  Both the owner of the hotel, President Trump, and even the communist flavored Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren support capitalism.  Warren said 'I'm capitalist to the bone.'   Yet these labor union strikers think they are smarter than Conservative Republicans, and Liberal Democrats.  Most of them barely finished high school never mind going to college."

The labor union bureaucrats aboard the yacht also waved to the strikers on the picket line and shouted "We are speaking truth to power," as the craft floated in the green water of the harbor.

Trump Tower Boson says that the green chemicals apparently coming from the hotel outflow pipes are not toxic and are part of the 'green washing' the hotel has been doing during the strike.

Critics claim the hotel is flushing untreated waste into the harbor during the strike because they can't get enough 'replacement workers' to clean the hotel properly.

Mayor Welsh threw copies of his self-published book "Believe in Capitalism, Believe in Yourself"  to people near the wharf where the picketing workers were marching with signs.

Labor Union leaders accepted signed copies of the mayor's tome while posing for pictures and disembarked to assure workers that that they had pressed the union case to the mayor while they handed out tasty leftovers from the buffet brunch served aboard Mayor Welsh's yacht.


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