Boson Trash Haulers On Strike - 4th Week of Labor Action Leaves Piles of Refuse on Streets - 26 Sept 2019

Massachusetts: The ongoing labor union strike by Teamster's Local 26 has resulted in uncollected trash piling up throughout Eastern Massachusetts and the city of Boson.   Republic Waste Disposal, headquartered in nearby Marshfield, Mass, have been on strike for nearly a month. 

Republic Co. which employs the Teamsters from Local 26 has the contract to collect curbside trash in the City of Boson.

Mayor Marty ssWelsh a who likes to call himself a "Blue Collar Republican" regularly claims to speak for the disaffected blue collar workers in the city and across the country has said little about the labor conflict.  Mayor Welsh has, in fact, never had a job in the private sector or in any occupation that required him to use his hands or tools, or lift anything, in his life.

While he adopts a rough accent when he speaks to average people or workers, he went to expensive private schools before becoming a Boson City Councilor when his father retired and left a seat vacant.  The tony upper class neighborhood the mayor lives in has hired private non-union Uber trash haulers using their own private vehicles to remove trash from the area at night.

"The Uber trashmen are not 'scabs,' Mayor Welsh explained.  "They are private contractors who have their own businesses.  No one has crossed a labor union picket line."

Teamster union srtikers have pointed out that their are no picket lines around individual trash barrels or dumpsters.  The picket lines are at the processing facility and truck yard.  Teamster union bureaucrats have remained silent on Mayor Welsh's claims.  Many have pointed out that the labor misleaders regularly contribute to Mayor Welsh's campaigns and provide volunteers for his re-election.

Liberal Democrats on the Boson City Council have called for everyone to support the strike by cutting back on their 'carbon footprint' by consuming less and recycling more.

Councilor Ema Strickland said, "I urge people to compost their kitchen scraps and to recycle everything.  Kids in schools can glue trash to paper and call it 'art'  and paste it on their refrigerator at home.  Everyone should think about eating less.  Stop buying newspapers and magazines.  Democrats value labor union support and votes, but let's face it, workers are overpaid and that's why they overconsume.  Less is more."

Both the liberal Boson Globe, and the conservative Boson Herod have asked the public to keep buying newspapers during the strike and rather than throwing out the papers when finished reading them to line the bottoms of bird cages or something.  

Councilor Strikland was asked to leave the Teamsters strike picket line when she showed up for a photo-op on Wednesday morning, 25 September 2019.

Mayor Welsh was heartily 'booed' by the picket line rank and file workers until the labor union bureaucrats told the crowd to, "Shut up and let him speak." 

Picket Lines Mean Do No Cross - Scabbing May Be Hazardous to Your Health

Marshfield Community Access TV Report - 29 Aug 2019 (2:59 min)


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