Green Waste in Boson Harbor Not From Trump Tower - Green Activists Admit 'Climate Justice Action' To Raise Public Awareness (Boson Herod) 27 Sept 2019

Boson MA (AP)  The green algae or chemical spill that has blighted Boson Harbor apparently is not coming from outflow from Boson Wharf hotels.  What had previously been blamed on the Trump Tower Boson Hotel is now being credited to Green Justice Right Now! an eco-radical group that seeks to change public attitudes and government policy with a campaign of what they call 'direct action' and 'propaganda of the dead."

Environmental activists poured green dye into the Neponset River flowing between Boson and Port Norfolk in Eastern Massachusetts on Tuesday under the cover of darkness in protest at “the impending collapse of our ecosystem”. 

The police are reportedly investigating the incident in the Poorchester neighborhood near the 'iconic' Saint Bosontolph's Bridge.  Based on initial findings, the city police said there was no danger to the public as long as they don't go in the water, touch the water, drink the water, and for goodness sake, "don't swim where you see this green water."  

The environmental group Green Justice Right Now! said on its Facebook page that it had been behind the action to draw attention to “impending collapse of the ecosystem and the toxic system in which we find ourselves." One anonymous protester, who refused to give his name or take his face mask off said, "the time for talking, or explaining, or convincing people of what we believe is over. We are right, and anyone who opposes us is wrong!" 

Around 30 demonstrators floated down the bright green river in a private sail powered yacht Arctic Sunrise between the Boson claimed Half Moon Island and St. Bosontolph's bridge on Tuesday for the 'dirty protest.'

The group said the dye was “harmless uranine, mixed with their own urine, which has the toxicity of table salt”. Uranine is a yellow, green fluorescent water-soluble dye, which is used to test leaks in walls, pipes and tanks in industrial settings where workers wear protective gear.  None of the protesters have any industrial work experience, or even have jobs.

The group said it will stage similar actions across the city over the next ten days before sailing south for the winter.  To prove that the liquid was 'harmless' a number of the protesters where shown drinking the chemical mixed with soy milk. 

Boson police said they have submitted a report to the city prosecutor’s office after investigating potential violations of the water protection act. The authorities are considering whether to lay preliminary charges against persons unknown.

While Republcan Mayor Martin Welsh said the action was "a pointless publicity stunt."  the Boson City Council Liberal Democratic majority passed a resolution praising the 'courage' of the eco-radicals and helped raise money for their bail.

City Council President Ema Strickland said, "While the action seems to remove the blame from the Trump Tower Boson hotel this is still the kind of pollution that climate denier Donald Trump and his businesses would do.  Trump is not off the hook, this is exactly the kind of thing he would do."  

 The protesters said that the tidal river and Boson Harbor would clear out in as soon as the next high tide/low tide cycle was completed.  The green chemicals were still in evidence as of Friday afternoon,  three days and several tide cycles later.  Mayor Walsh shocked supporters of the eco-radicals by saying that funds would be taken from the city's Green Education Network grants to clean up the harbor.  Democratic city councilors are outraged as several of them are paid speakers who lead 'green workshops' for the program.

When they are released on bond the eco-protester plan to sail to the Bahamas to protest 'Global Warming' because Massachusetts winters are "too damn cold."


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