'Islam Is Right About Gays' Leaflets Taped To Signs Around Town - Police Launch Manhunt - 28 Sept 2019

Boson, MA: Some residents are outraged that leaflets bearing the words "Islam Is Right About Gays" have been fixed to telephone poles and parking signs around the city.  One angry woman took a photo of the sign before ripping it down and bringing the leaflet to the police station to show police.

"This is not 'free speech'" a visibly angry woman said.  "This is 'hate speech' aimed at both the Muslim race, and gay people."

Police have said that they will see if there were any witnesses to the criminal trespassing committed when the papers were affixed to the utility poles, which are private property, and the street signs, which are owned by the city.

City Councilor Ema Strickland said, "The blame for this type of hated is ultimately the fault of our Republican Mayor Welsh who is both Homophobic and Islamophobic.  Additionally this goes right to the top and I blame President Trump."

Mayor Welsh said he had not seen any of the half dozen signs posted, and did not feel the need to comment since the signs had been ripped down and the police had been notified.  He asked, "Are the Liberals saying the Islam is wrong about gays, which is Islamophobic and racist, or are they saying that Islam is right about gays and they are Homophobic?  This really requires 'double think' on their part."

"We go with our gut feelings of justice,"  replied Councilor Strickland.  "We support Islam, and Gay Rights, logic has nothing to do with it."

Last week signs appeared around town with the message "Islam is Right About Women"  which confused many people.

Police have promised to increase patrols looking for the poster of the "Hate Crime" messages and bring them to justice, or at least the central lock-up in the police station basement.  



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