Why Women Love Jerks (Boson Center For Adult Education)

Why Women Love Jerks, & Why You Should Be a Nice Guy Anyway By Duana C. Welch, Ph.D. , author of Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do May 1, 2018 Do women truly prefer jerks — men who treat them poorly, who act like they could take ‘em or leave ‘em, or who actually do take them…then leave them? It’s a question you’ve probably asked yourself countless times: Why do girls like rude boys? And maybe an answer you can’t formulate on why jerks get women. These Google searches are plenty – as are ‘quotes about boys being jerks’ – when your best gal friend is going through yet another break up . We all know women who can’t seem to get excited about anyone but a jerk. So yes, it’s true: Some women want jerks. The bigger question is why. Here’s a look into why jerks get women – but why you should still be a kind person, anyway: The Status Think back to your high school days. Now shudder. Now remember the guy who got all the g...