Anarchist Dead in Hit and Run Case Memorialized With Lots of Graffiti Near Place Where He Died - 21 Oct 2019

Local anarchist scene regular and frequent Antifa activist Lewis Armenia died last week after being hit by an SUV in the street in front of a local anarchist friendly bar Shay's Rebellion.  People heard words exchanged and someone threatened to beat people up if they didn't leave the area.  Then their were gunshots.  Whoever was in the SUV got out of the car and ran as they crashed into a local Boson Democratic Party headquarters a half a block down from the bar.  The SUV was riddled with bullet holes.

One might think that the police would know who owned the car within minutes of checking the license plate after they were called because of the gunfire.  

The people with Lewis Armenia kept telling him to get up and walk as if they expected him to just 'snap out of it.'  Armenia was only 23 years old and was a matrial arts practitioner.  So, he seemed in very good shape.  He also did some work as a furniture mover and claimed in videos before the state legislators that he was a small business man.

Anarchists don't like to co-operate with agents of the freedom crushing state, so Lewis Armenia's friends did not call 911 and wait for an ambulance.  The anarchists loaded the wounded man into one of their own private vehicles and drove to a hospital.  The emergency room declared Lewis Armenia dead, apparently from blunt trauma, perhaps from a car hitting him, or from his head hitting the pavement after being struck by the car.  The men who brought Lewis Armenia to the hospital were initially arrested as police tried to figure out how they came to bring a dying man to a hospital.

The local anarchist group says that the dispute in the street that night was not with any of the Right
Wing activists the Antifa forces have has mix up with at protests in city parks.  The dispute was with someone else.  Who?  The police are not saying and Lewis Armenia's mother said that people should not talk with the police, who are the armed agents of the state, or with the media, who are simply another propaganda soft power arm of the capitalists and their state.  The anarchists think we are living in something pretty close to Nazi Germany in 1937 or thereabouts.  The fascist crack-down is just around the corner.  An anarchist flavored revolution might take a few weeks of noisey protests in the streets before the Nazi German style brutal fascists  crumble.  So, for goodness sakes, don't talk to the police.

Anarchist spray painters went to work covering the Democratic Party Headquarters building with graffiti memorializing their fellow anarchist Lewis Amenia.   That is actually were the car crashed after being hit by gunfire.  Lewis Armenia was knocked down after being struck by the SUV in front of the bar Shay's Rebellion.  But the bar owner, who is also an anarchist, did not want them spray painting all over his building.  The anarchist don't much like the Democrats, although some of them vote for Democrats sometimes just to stop fascists like Trump.

 Lewis Armenia's mother did ask anarchist activists to stop painting on the Democratic Party building.  "We made our point, he will be remembered," she said.


A nighttime memorial with flaming torches was a site for all to see.


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