Blue Hills Hunter Dies After Deer He Was Hunting Recovers From Gunshot And Attacks (Boson Auduban) 24 Oct 2019

Oct. 24, 2019 - 0:47 - Boson licensed hunter Alexander Thomas is believed to have been killed by the very deer he was hunting. Officials with the Massachusetts Game and Fish Commission suspect that after being shot, the animal got up as Alexander Thomas approached and attacked him.
The hunter's lifeless body was found in a secluded ravine next to a swift flowing stream.  Thomas had marks on his face and neck consistent with an deer antlers.  He had apparently been tossed by the animal and his back was broken.

Evidence from his hunting rifle indicated that he fired several shots.  Blood and markings at the scene suggest that a large animal was down and bleeding.  Tracks indicate the animal got up, engaged in a struggle, and fled back into the deep woods of the East Blue Hills Reserve.  The hunter was within his legal rights with a current license and open hunting season for deer in the area.  The authorities were not able to answer a query from this reporter as to whether it is legal for the deer to attack the hunter after the hunter shot and tried to kill the deer.

"We'll have to look into that with the district attorney's background law team," a police spokesman said.  "We also don't appoint lawyers to represent the animal's interest when we go out to hunt them down and kill them after they kill a human being.  The laws have not been written to take the animals point of view, at least in the past." 

The Massachusetts Game and Fish Commission has sent two K-9 units along with Boson police officers who know the area to search for the deer, but have been unsuccessful. It is not known whether or not the deer survived the incident since there was a lot of blood at the shooting scene that came from the animal.  "We may find a corpse in the spring that squirrels and racoons feast on through the winter.  We'll find the bones." 

Liberal Democrats on the city council have responded to this reporters inquiry with a promise to see about introducing an ombudsman's animal rights position at the next city council meeting.  

One man deals with a wounded deer and lives to tell about the experience. 



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