Boson family found in cellar 'waiting for end of time' - Lived in Underground Bunker 'After Al Gore Became President' (AFP) 16 Oct 2019

Boson MASS (AFP) - Local police found a father and six adult children hidden in the basement of a remote farmhouse deep in the woods where they had reportedly spent years "waiting for the end of time", officials said Tuesday.

They discovered a man, believed to be the father of the family, and his children aged between 18 and 25 on the father's farm near the East Blue Hills Reservation in the western part of the Pleasant Valley neighborhood.

Local media said the family were found after one of the sons went to a neighborhood bar in nearby Quincy in a confused state, drank five beers and then asked for help when he was asked to pay because his family did not use money.  The disheveled man, unwashed and wearing old clothes said "he has not been 'outside' for the past nineteen years," bar owner Chris Westerbeek told.

The family lived isolated in the farm for nine years (AFP Photo/Wilbert Bijzitter)

"He said he'd never been to school and seemed very confused. He spoke in a childish way," said Westerbeek.

The man told Westerbeek he ran away from home and urgently needed help, "so I phoned the police."

Upon investigation police discovered a hidden staircase behind a cupboard leading to a cellar where a man said to be the family's father and five others, believed to be his children, were hiding.

Local police said the family "have been living in a basement for years, waiting for the 'end of times'."

Apparently fearing that Al Gore had won the election in 2000 the father said the world was going to be destroyed by "Al Gore's global warming."

The family lived in the basement and only the father went out to hunt in the nearby woods and to havest vegetables and milk the goat they let run wild on the property the father inherited when his parents died.  The children and their mother never went outside. 

The children were shown a steady stream of ecological disaster movies and had no idea that the 'global warming' that Vice President Al Gore predicted had simply not arrived.  The father had not realized that Al Gore was not certified as the winner of the 2000 election and that George W. Bush had been declared the winner of the election.

One of the VHS tapes the children were shown over and over again was the 1983 'made for television' movie The Day After - about nuclear war.   On Hooktube 

The family had no contact with the outside world and were completely self-reliant with the vegetable garden and a goat, police said. "The father had a stroke a few years ago and was lying in bed. There was no sign of his wife."

Some of those freed "had no idea that other people existed," the station added. "The family assumed that the ecological disaster predicted by Al Gore had come about, or, alternately the eco-fascist crackdown inflicted on the population had lead to a civil war that had wiped out most of the population.

The family was shocked when they learned that there was still ice at the North Pole and Al Gore had been wrong when he said all the ice would melt.  The father was amazed when he learned that Al Gore had a massive seaside mansion that used $30,000 a year in electric power.

"And we have been living 'off the grid' for two decades chopping wood to keep our cellar hideout warm?" 

"The last thing I vaguely remember of regular tv was the night Al Gore beat George Bush," the younger man who had escaped said.  "I was a little kid, and wasn't paying much attention, but I remember my father yelling at the television and angrily turning the set off as my mother weeped silently in the corner of the room."

"We are headed for hard times," my father said.  "We are going to have to go it alone.  Pretty soon there won't be any people around, so we have to make everything ourselves."

"I was around five or six and had gone to half day kindergarten.  I asked my father 'what's going to happen to all the other kids?' He shoock his head sadly, I don't know.  We'll just have to make more of our own children."

"How are we going to do that?" I asked him.

"I'll tell you about that later," he said.  "But he still hasn't gotten around to that, and he had a stroke and can't talk, so, I guess I'll never find out how to make children,"  he looked sadly around.  "Unless any of you people know how."



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