Eco Radical Gail Storm Smashed Glass at North Wollaston T Station To Protest Global Extinction - Uses Screwdriver Improperly - (AP) 16 Oct 2019

In a stunning display of ignorance local 'Dirt First!' eco-radical Gail Storm climbed on top of the new entrance to the North Wollaston Red Line T Station and began to smash the glass with a screwdriver and a hammer.

"There is no time to wait, we must act now!" she yelled to a few curious people going in and out of the station.

Maintenance workers were finishing up on other parts of the structure and saw the full time activist grab a ladder and climb atop the awning.

"You should always wear safety glasses when using a striking tool," one of the workers called up to the woman.

"You are ruining the tip of that screwdriver, ma'am," another worker added.

Ms. Storm was not listening as she shouted out slogans and parts of her stump speech for city council when she ran on the Green Party ticket.  "There is no time for your boring routine safety measures!" she yelled as she swung the hammer.  "We must act now!"

Police came and asked Gail Storm to come down off the ladder because she was under arrest for destruction of public property.

"I am the public, therefore this building belongs to me!" Ms. Storm shouted as an officer at the top of the ladder bundled her down to the ground.

As the activist was lead away in handcuffs she said, "There will be more actions like this, you can't stop us."

Workers who had been ready to leave the worksite were told that there would be an extra two days of work fixing the glass that Ms. Storm had destroyed.

This reporter asked a worker what he thought of Gail Storm's eco-radical direct action.

"Breaking glass is easy, fixing glass to keep out the fall wind and winter storms is hard.  What kind of job does Gail Storm have that she has free time to smash the work of others?"

Gail Storm is a full time activist and is paid through donations and corporate grants for her salary.

Holding up the discarded screwdriver the worker noted, "Look at the tip of this phillips screwdriver.  "The point is dull, the four flanged edges are dulled.  Did you see her swing that hammer.  She's never held a tool before in her life." 

"She can't handle a simple tool, and she wants to have control of society handed over to her?"


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