Socialist Health Care Talking Points - Bernie Sanders on the Cover of Boson Workers - 21 Oct 2019

In a few simple sentences presidential candidate Bernie Sanders highlights what any reasonable person can see is wrong with the health care system in the US.  There are too many capitalists who must each get a large percentage of the health care funds Americans must spend.  There is an excellent health care system with good doctors, nurses, and support staff.  But, a long line of middleman capitalists must get a slice of the money.  The services these capitalists provide are actually road blocks and gates that one must go through and pay them to get the care one needs from a doctor or nurse.  Capitalists parasites get rich while simply piling on forms and fees and deductibles and compulsory insurance.  Bernie Sanders helped shift the American political scene Left when he was running in 2016 against the War Witch Hilleficent De Clinton.  The modest social democratic proposals put forward by Sanders got an unexpected blast of powerful political winds from the many people who are not happy in the Capitalist Paradise of America and dream of a little more comfortable social democratic flavored mixed economy. 

"Those jobs aren't coming back," the snot nosed Liberal academics and lawyers who make up the Democratic party told the lower classes who work for a living.  "If you are lucky you may have a job delivering Amazon boxes to upper class Democratic academics in Gender Studies or Democratic Party lawyers who know all about why we must downsize and outsource every job that can not be done by an H1B1 immigrant. 

But Bernie Sanders gave people a way of thinking that their working lives could get better and that health care was a social problem with a social solution.  Massive student debt should be a massive social problem with a social or even socialist solution.  Imagine that?  The main stream media couldn't quit get their heads around the simple socialist ideas of Sanders.  So.... he couldn't win, that was the end of those "Thought Crimes."  But... Sanders doesn't have to win to get his ideas in front of a wide audience.  Propaganda for good ideas is powerful propaganda that is worth repeating.  


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