Democratic City Council President Ema Strickland Tells Striking Cat Litter Miners 'Learn to code'

2020 Boson Mayoral Democratic front-runner candidate for mayor delivered some hard truths to striking cat litter miners in Boson's East Blue Hills clay pits.

"Those jobs aren't coming back," Councilor Strickland announced to the gathering of miners who had organized a support rally at the National Miners Union hall in Boson, Massachusetts.

"Because of climate change, the demands of Third World countries, and the need for racial equity, white working class people must learn to live with less.  Black Americans in the working class must also learn to live with less.  This is an unpleasant message, but the Democratic Party is willing to tell the truth.  Your lifestyle of comfort and high wages and a wasteful consumption are over," Strickland pronounced as many in the crowd grumbled and ushers went up and down the aisles telling union members to be quiet and let the powerful city councilor speak.

Councilor Strickland explained later that miners need to find "jobs of the future" when transitioning the economy away from fossil fuels and coal mining, or mining of any type.

Strickland said, "Mining the Earth, cutting into the very surface of our Mother Planet, is a kind of rape that ultimately comes from the patriarchal ideas that have hobbled our society for thousands of years."

"Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as heck learn to program as well," Strickland said at a later campaign stop outside North Wollaston Red Line T Station. "Anybody who can throw clay for kitty litter into a hamper train car can learn how to program, for god's sake!

 On Sunday, Councilor Strickland also said she wanted to throw fossil fuel executives in prison for damaging the environment. "Put them in jail," he said. "I'm not joking about this." Councilor Strickland has campaigned tirelessly to put the main electric plant in Boson out of business because it is coal fired.  The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts previously supplied clean electric energy that did not put carbon in the air or contribute to global warming, for the entire South Shore, but Liberal Democrats campaigned to have the plant shut down.

"I won't rest until the every home and business in Boson has solar panels on their roof and a windmill in their front yard," Councilor Strickland said.

During a December mayoral debate, Strickland said she was willing to end hundreds of jobs in the fossil fuel industry in the City of Boson.

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton similarly vowed during the 2016 presidential election, "We're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business" with her plan to replace fossil fuel-based energy production with renewable systems. After backlash, she later said the remark was her biggest mistake on the campaign trail.  Coal mining country like West Virginia voted for Trump. 

Selling coding as a ticket to economic salvation for the masses is dishonest.  The an idea gained  ground in the tech community: Everyone should learn to code. But here’s the problem with that idea: Coding is not the new literacy.  Selling coding as a ticket to economic salvation for the masses is dishonest.

Democratic City Council President Ema Strickland Tells Striking Cat Litter Miners 'Learn to code'



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