Boson City Clerk Refuses Marriage License to 'Foreigners' From New Mexico and the District of Columbia - "Go to your own country" - 15 Jan 2020

Boson, MASS (UPI) A couple standing in line to pay $10 for a Marriage License presented their US drivers licenses at the Registry of Marriages, Births, and Deaths in the Boson City Hall complex.  The clerk looked at their ID's and said that they were not Americans. 

"I'm from New Mexico, Santa Fe, I've never left the United States in my whole life," the woman explained to the clerk as he looked skeptically at her drivers license on the counter in front of him.  "I don't care what part of Mexico you are from, new or old,

The soon to be groom, Thomas Alexander, was familiar with problems with his license from Washington DC which has been a part of the United States of America since there has been a United States of America.  Not to long ago, while in a stadium in New Jersey, he had been denied beer at a football game.  The people selling the brew could only accept US drivers licenses and he was told to produce his Colombian international passport.

"Washington District of Columbia's city council has voted to go back to the old license that didn't confuse people," Alexander said, "but until then, I'm a man without a country."  

While people in line behind the couple castigated the clerk he told them all to "be quiet, or I'll close the window and go to lunch!"

"We don't set city policy according to mob rule, or cheap populism," the clerk said.  "You can go talk to the city legal department and see what they say on the second floor, after they come back from lunch." 


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