Boson Mayor Welsh Stuns City By Banning Plastic Bags Through Executive Order - Central Theme of Democratic City Councilor Strickland's Mayoral Campaign Gone - 10 Jan 2020

Boson Mayor Martin J. Welsh did an end run around his main opponent in this years mayoral contest by banning 'single use' plastic bags given away at retail stores, supermarkets and other businesses.  This has become a big issue in this years presidential race with former Vice-president Joe Biden coming right out and saying he would ban plastic bags in all fifty states no matter what the local people voted for.  When asked what the laid off plastic bag industry workers should do for work Biden answered promptly, "learn to code!"

Actually there should be just as much work and plenty of profits for the plastic bag industry.  In Ireland after plastic bags for free at the check out counter were banned the sale of plastic bags rose 800%.  People still needed the carrying devices in their daily life, so just as many bags were leaving the stores, but now people had to pay for them.

In the City of Boson retailers and supermarkets can still offer customers free brown paper bags, but none of the stores plan to do so.  They plan to be environmentally friendly by charging customers five cents for brown paper bags.

City Councilor President Democrat Ema Stickland was making the banning of plastic bags the center piece of her Green Campaign 2020 strategy and has thousands of dollars in signs printed on recycled cardboard with the slogan.  Mayor Welsh, who is a 'climate change denier,' had previously dismissed the idea of banning plastic bags.  He even denounced the Boston residents who had been sneaking across the Neponset River at night to smuggle plastic bags into Boston where Mayor Walsh, who is Boson Mayor Welsh's cousin, has banned plastic bags.

(Photo: Plastic bag smugglers bringing bags to Boston as they cross the Neponset River from Boson, Mass)

A visibly angry Councilor Strickland addressed a presser, "Mayor Welsh knew I had a large order in for campaign signs and he deliberately waited until I had the election signs printed and paid for.  He even asked me the other day how my campaign was going and when we will have our first debate.  I am furious.  I will not be on the same stage as this reprobate representative of the patriarchy.  I will not give a platform to this man."

When asked what her new campaign slogan and theme will be Councilor Strickland stood quietly for a few moments in uncharacteristic silence.  "I will meet with my campaign team and we will see what is relevant to the mayoral race 2020. "

"Are you glad that plastic bags will be banned this year instead of next year if you became mayor?" this reporter asked the councilor.

"Oh, please," she replied with her eyebrows knit, "a few months are not going to make any difference."

(Photo: Destroying the Earth for the selfish pleasure of being able to carry multiple items)


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