Police Set Up Checkpoints To Spot People Violating The Plastic Bag Ban - Support Your Local Plastic Bag Police State? (Boson Workers) 10 Jan 2020

"Support Your Local Plastic Bag Police State?"

Boson MASS: Police are manning roadblocks and making random stops on the street to 'help protect the Earth' by enforcing the city's new executive order by Mayor Welsh prohibiting the distribution of 'free' plastic bags by retailers.  In a little noted aspect of the law the manufacture, distribution, possession, or ownership of single use plastic bags was outlawed.  The fine is a whopping $100 a bag, and jail time for the tenth violation.  There is no grandfathering in of bags people had at home. 

The police have increased powers to stop cars, stop people on the street, go into peoples back yards to inspect their garbage cans, and even go into a home or business for random spot checks.  All in the name of austerity to save the planet Earth. 

Even thinking that this is not effective is considered a 'thought crime' that contributes to global climate change.  Yes, what you think influences the climate of the entire planet.  As if there is some Climate God who cares what you think and punishes your sins.  But, there are police forces that can punish you and turn the entire population into being assumed to be guilty.

People who are convicted of volatilizing the law more than ten times, or having more than ten plastic bags, will be given a two week stint in Boson County Jail were they will be required to learn how to computer code, and also how to train their future replacements from South Asia.   The good news is that everyone in Boson will be reducing their carbon footprint, the Earth is all that matters.


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