Bloomberg Tells Boson Mayor Welsh - 'I'll drone my critics and support the banks' - 25 Feb 2020

Boson MASS: The newly turned Democrat Mayor Welsh is being confronted with an online audio file that shows presidential contender Michael Bloomberg bragging about how he would use presidential powers.

Soundcloud audio file sharing site features a man speaking to Boson Mayor Marty Welsh along with a voice that sounds like Bloomberg dreaming of what he could do as president.

"Being mayor of New York City was expensive, but worth it," the voice of Bloomberg says, "driving through red lights with a police escort, riding in parades with everyone waving, sending squads of armed men to deliver subpoenas, and that sort of thing."

Over a recent series of meetings with Mayor Welsh, Bloomberg convinced the mayor to switch from the Republican to the Democratic Party.  Bloomberg said that conservatives had a better chance of getting a pro-business agenda passed under Democrats.  Bloomberg has been both a Democrat and a Republican, depending on what he thought would work at the moment.

"I believe in capitalism," said Bloomberg when asked for his core beliefs.

"That's good enough for me," responded Mayor Welsh.  "Everyone loves capitalism, except for some low-class losers and weirdo college adjunct professors."

Bloomberg says that he will back the bankers first because they are the important people in society.  Bloomberg also said that he would use drone strikes against his enemies.  In an odd twist there is also a discussion of Bloomberg hiring a 'face coach' who was teaching him how to smile.

Bloomberg has purchased billboard space across Boson from the advertising company owned by Mayor Welsh's brother.  The odd campaign signs poke fun at President Trump for eating well done steak and McDonald's burgers.

Bloomberg said, "I'm a Subway Sandwich kind of guy," which absolutely no one believes.  Speculation is that Bloomberg owns Subway Sandwich stock.

"Bloomberg looks like the 'bad guy' in almost every Disney kids movie," the reporter for the Boson Workers quipped.


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