Heavy Rain Floods Neponset River - Boson's Most Famous 'Witness Protection' Member Seth Rich Flooded Out of Hideout

27 February 2020

(AP) Early morning rain caused the swollen Neponset River to overflow its banks and a number of Boson buildings were flooded.  One victim of the waters was Boson's notable Wikileaker Seth Rich who helped defeat H. Clinton in the 2016 presidential election by leaking Democratic National Committee emails to the Wikileaks website.

Seth Rich, and friends in the intelligence community, faked his own death in Washington DC in 2016.  He then went 'on the run' and lived in a number of undisclosed situations before coming to Boson with a guarantee of safety from Boson's Trump supporting Mayor Welsh.

Seth Rich relaxes by the Neponset River as his home was flooded on Thursday, 27 February 2020 

While Democrats blame Seth Rich for the defeat of H. Clinton and the election of 'fascistic' Donald Trump some advocates of an open society who oppose Trump see Seth Rich as a hero.  

"The voting public should have as much information as possible," said ACLU lawyer and Open Society advocate Attorney Steven Johnson.  "I don't like President Trump and I oppose many of his policies, but, seriously, is he a fascist?  Are we living in a Nazi America?"  

City Councilor Ema Strickland has opposed the presence of Seth Rich and has repeatedly asked Mayor Welsh if any city funds are being used to protect Seth Rich from his enemies in the Democratic Party and the intelligence agents sympathetic to the Clintons and the deep state.  

Councilor Strickland asserted, "Seth Rich assassinated the political career of Hilary Clinton and stopped the first woman president from taking office.  I don't think police should be protecting him from the justified wrath of all who support women. I wish he had died in the "botched robbery" that many originally thought killed him."  

Photos and videos of Boson's Upper Mills neighborhood under water have been widely circulated on
social media. Residents overlooking the Neponset River posted pictures of the flood barriers being breached just feet away from their properties. Water levels were seen to be so high that they almost covered the first floor of homes.

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, fueled the speculation that Seth Rich had faked his own death after giving Wikileaks a copies of many DNC  emails.  In an interview with Nieuwsuur published on August 9, 2016, which touched on the topic of risks faced by WikiLeaks' sources.  

Unbidden, Assange brought up the case of Seth Rich. When asked directly whether Rich was a source, Assange nodded, then said "we don't comment on who our sources are"   Subsequent statements by WikiLeaks emphasized that the organization was not naming Rich as a source, as they do with other leaks   It subsequently came to light that WikiLeaks communicated with the Trump campaign over other issues, casting doubt on Assange's motives

When asked if he believed that Seth Rich was still alive after faking his own death, Assange responded, "I'm not going to speculate on those kind of conspiracy theories.  If he is still alive, then good for him.  The Clinton Body Count may be short one victim."  

Seth Rich has a drawing of Julian Assange on his living room wall.

"I drew that myself," Seth Rich said.  "After a few beers.  I liked it and put it on the wall." 



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