Oligarch Bloomberg's Boson Campaign Office Vandalized - Spray Painted 'Oligarch' Defaces Building - 25 Feb 2020

(AP) 25 Feb 2020: The Boson, Massachusetts campaign storefront office was vandalized late on Monday night.  Earlier in the day Mayor Martin Welsh had announced that he was switching parties and as a newly registered Democrat was endorsing Michael Bloomberg for president.

While people routinely call wealthy businessmen in Russia 'oligarchs' the application of the term to American's 'Job Creators' is something new.  Bloomberg's campaign staff has blamed Socialist Bernard Sanders elevating the term to the national stage by uttering the word on stage at the Las Vegas Democratic Debated last week.

"I think that Bernie has a real responsiblity to counter what his supporters are doing on the streets," said the Boson for Bloomberg head organizer John Welsh, who is Mayor Welsh's cousin.  "We have sent a bill for the cleaning of the graffiti paint to the Boson for Bernie campaign.  "I also think there is a hint of anti-semitism in Bernie's attacks on businessman Mike Bloomberg," John  Welsh added.

"Isn't Bernie Sanders Jewish, also?" asked this reporter.

"Don't change the subject," Welsh retorted angrily.  "Trump is worse than Hitler and racist against all races.  That's why we must defeat Trump and Sanders can not do that."

"Isn't Trump's son-in-law Jewish, aren't some of his grandchildren half Jewish?" another reporter asked.

"This press conference is over!" a visibly angry John Welsh shouted.

By noontime the Boson for Bloomberg had located a non-union company that began power spraying the offending words and images off the bricks and plate glass doors.

Police have registered the incident of vandalism and are checking local hardware stores for anyone who purchased spray paint.  The local Vandals United chapter has been questions about their whereabouts on Monday evening.



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