Mayor Welsh Ask Gov Baker For Ventilators, Masks - Governor Send Tanks and Armed National Guard Troops - No Ventilators

(Boson MASS) A column of tanks and reinforced military humvees with masked guardsmen set up a perimiter around Boson Commons on Saturday 28 March 2020.  Boson City Mayor Martin J. Walsh had urgently called the governor asking for basic medical equipment like latex gloves, face masks, and most importantly ventilators.

People with sever breathing problems from the COVID-19 virus may need to be in a ventilator to stay alive.

"Ventilators are not something the National Guard, or the commonwealth, just keep parked for emergencies," Governor Charles Baker said.  "We have tanks and helicopters and machine guns.  But, why would we stock medical equipment.  That doesn't make any sense when one is trying to save money on health care."

The governor added.  "The Massachusetts National Guard is to keep public order with armed men and women.  They are not a medical corps.  They are fighting units.  Sure, we bring them out when there are floods or massive snowstorms, but that is basically a kind of preparedness drill.  Ask any successful capitalist or hospital administrator; best practice is to order the supplies you need for 'just in time' delivery.  US medical supplies and even ventilators come from China.  They have to be ordered at the last moment, to save money."

As a way to help the population deal with the COVID-19 crisis the governor has temporarily lifted the ban on plastic bags at grocery stores and other essential businesses.  Re-usable tote bags have been found to be a method of transmitting the virus as they are used by many people.  "Global warming can wait," Governor Baker said.


Home bound Green Party activist were outraged.  "Mother Nature is taking revenge on humans for environmental sins," one anonymous activist posted on Twitter.  "You may not believe in Global Climate Change, but Global Climate Change believes in you.  That's were this virus came from, Mother Nature."

At the Boson ITT Tech, which refuses to shut down, or refund students for their tuition if they do not attend,  students and professors have developed an easy to build ventilator from the materials in their Freshmen Challenge technology course materials.  They are offering it to manufactures free from patent protection.  Green Party activists are demanding that any new units be solar powered.


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