Seth Rich Develops COVID-19 - Boson's Most Famous Witness Protection Program Member - Quarantined at Mayor Welsh's House

(Boson Mayor Welsh's home in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood)

 (AP) In an odd twist of fate, Boson Mayor Welsh is staying at the Trump Tower Boson under self-imposed quarantine while the city's most famous 'fugitive' whistle blower Seth Rich is staying at Mayor Welsh's home in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood.  Seth Rich has confirmed that he is resting comfortably after testing positive for the CORVID-19 - corona virus.

"I'm pretty healthy, generally, so I have mild symptoms so far," Seth Rich said to this reporter when visited at Mayor Welsh's home.  This reporter stayed on the lawn in front of the house as Seth Rich spoke from the front porch.  Both the mayor and his wife are at the Trump Tower, so Seth has the house to himself.  The mayor's children are staying at their cousin Vinny's.

While initially under tight protection when he moved to Boson three years ago because of Democratic Party Clinton supporters anger and threats of violence, Seth Rich has abandoned most security precautions.

Seth Rich worked for the Democratic Party National Committee and was an idealistic supporter of the party.   But after reading party insider emails and having access to what was on H. Clinton's home server Seth Rich copied the emails and gave them to the whistle blower web site Wikileaks.

The publication of the emails exposed the contempt the Democratic Party insiders had for the voting public and especially the socialist campaign of Bernie Sanders.  When it became obvious that Seth Rich was the leaker he felt his life was in danger from the Clinton Foundation.

"I fake my own death with the co-operation of the Washington D.C. police homicide squad," Seth Rich recounted.  "I was well aware of how so many people who had crossed the Clintons ended up dead.  Did you ever look up 'the Clinton body count?  That's not even counting all the people killed in other counties to make the Clinton's look tough."

"I pretended I was coming home late at night in Washington in my neighborhood there.  We arranged for two small time crooks to come up and push me in the back and fire two blanks.  It was like a movie.  The cops came and took me away.  After that I 'disappeared' into the Witness Protection Program with the help of some anti-Clinton FBI agents.   I even get a small monthly stipend."

"The Clinton's have moved on and are concentrating on getting Joe Biden elected so the Clinton Foundation can start shaking down 'donations' from any foreign country they can.  Hilary Clinton is hoping to be Secretary of State again after Biden refused to make her the Vice Presidential nominee."

"The person who is targeted now is Bernie Sanders.  Don't be surprised if he gets a fatal dose of the virus and dies within days.  The only hope he has is if he loses the next few elections.

When asked by this reporter why his family insists that he was killed in a botched robbery where the attackers took nothing Seth Rich explained, "They already got the insurance money and have a Death Certificate, so it is best to just leave things as they are."

"We really don't want to attract Hilary Clinton's attention," he added in a lowered tone.  "She's like Cruella De Ville, or Hellificent.  Imagine if she was president right now?  We'd be at war with Russia, China, or Iran, or, all three.  The woman is a sociopath."

When asked by this reporter if he was afraid of his CORVID-19 infection, Seth Rich laughed.  "If the Clintons couldn't kill me I don't think this virus will."


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