Vandals Break In To Boson Museum of Find Art - Attached Arms to Venus de Milo - Put Googly Eyes on Christ

The outraged director of Boson Museum of Find Art has announced that late Saturday night or early Sunday morning miscreants had broken in to the museum's West Wing and spray painted slogans and painted mustaches on a number of paintings, and that the museum's copy of Venus de Milo had arms attached to her.  Because of the COVID-19 crisis the museum has fewer guards. 

Dr. Farid Pazhoohi, who is married to Mayor Welsh's sister, has been Director of the Museum for a decade.  Under his leadership the museum has acquired a number of 'reproductions' of famous art works as a way to fill up the museum and attract more visitors.  Art critics complained that the museum was not showing original works, and a few museums whose works were copied sued for copyright infringement.

"How can you copyright art that has been plundered from other countries?" the director famously said.  "Do imperialist thieves get to 'own' the ideas that steal?"

Boson Museum of Find Art prevail in that case as courts ruled that since the Greek and Roman art from antiquity was not copyrighted at the time the works had entered the public domain.  The case also gave the museum wide publicity.  People sought out the museum because of the vast collection of works that the average person could not tell apart from the 'real' or original work.

Art critics complain that the works can not bring the 'transformation' that art is supposed to bring to a viewer unless they are looking at the original work, not a copy.

"What's the difference, " one museum goer asked.  "The 'experts' have to say things like that or they would be out of their phony baloney snob jobs." 

The irreverent vandals also targeted religiously themed works with 'googly' eyes.

Not only Christian art, but a representation of Mohamed (Peace Be Upon Him).

The Islamic Society of Boson noted that no one should make a representation in graphic form of Mohamed, or, indeed, any living thing that Allah (God) has created. The penalty for such an action in violation of Islamic beliefs is, of course, beheading.

Even the Baby Jesus was not spared the blasphemous desecrations.

Boson Police have pointed out that Massachusetts still has Blasphemy Laws on the books and they may be utilized if the miscreants can be identified from video files from security cameras.


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