Beer Truck Spills Cargo at Neponset Square Off Ramp of Southeast Expressway in Boson - Police Draw Sidearms To Stop 'Looters'

BOSON, MASS (AP) — A beer truck that overturned in suburban Maryland sent people from their cars and neighboring homes into the street to scoop up the cans of various brands of beer.  

"Thankfully there were no glass bottles on the truck," Officer Philip Johnson explained as he directed traffic around the crash site.  "But, plenty of cans burst open, so there is a smell of alcohol in the air.  It is hard to tell if either driver was drinking, so, we just arrested both of them."  

The driver of the truck and a driver of a small car that collided with the truck were taken to Boson City Hospital for blood alcohol tests while under police guard.  

The shipment is insured so and the beer will be destroyed as unfit for human consumption, but police still stopped people from taking the beer off the street.  With guns draw the arriving officers ordered people off the street.  One man was tasered when he refused to put the two cases of Bud Light he was carrying.  He claimed he had bought the beer at a nearby liquor store.  


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