Boson Anti-Police Terror Protesters Lop Off Head Of King Louis IX Statue - Monarchists Outraged

Saint Louis IX
 (AFP) A descendant of French kings has expressed concern after pictures and videos of a large protest in Boson, Massachusetts featured images of someone in the crowd climbed a statue in front of Saint Louis Catholic Church and using a hack saw to take off the head of the king.

Known for many years as "The Muslim Slayer" because of the two Crusades he made against Islamic countries, King Louis IX was such a devout Catholic and patron of the Church that after he died he was declared a saint.

King Louis IX is also known for his hostility to Judaism and Jewish people.  He held one of the largest book burnings  of Jewish sacred texts in history earning him another unofficial title as 'The Patron Saint of Book Burning.'  The 13th century AD monarch was also one of the first rulers to force Jewish subjects of France to wear a yellow patch of cloth so that all could see who was a Jew.

(1243 – King Louis IX of France Ordered the Burning of 12,000 Jewish Talmuds)

 Sadly, King Louis died in Tunisia fighting Islam when Allah sent a plague that killed many Crusaders attacking the Muslims.  The kings body was boiled so that his bones could be returned to France and given a place of honor in a church where people could pray to them.

All of these good works endeared him to the Catholic Church and helped elevate him to the status of officially recognized saint.  To this day King Louis IX is one of only a handfull of Catholic saints who were heads of state.  Others are Saint Constantine an Emperor of Rome, and Saint Franco the head of the fascist movement in 1930's Spain.

In the US the city of St. Louis was named by French settlers hundreds of years ago after their saintly ruler from the past.  

Boson, Massachusetts has Saint Louis IX Church and a large statue of the saintly monarch who carried out so many good works in the name of Christ and His One True Catholic Church.

None of this seemed to matter to the mob gathered near Boson Commons and Boson Police Headquarters on Friday night, 29 May 2020.

 Heavily armed police watched passively as the statue was vandilized and a priest from the church came out and begged the officers to intervene.  The police captain explained, "The number one job of the police is to go home safely each night."  He added, "We observe and project."

 As the sun set the crowd became unrully and a local jewlry store was trashed and the merchandise was taken away.

The Barnes and Noble bookstore next to the jewlry store was left untouched and no books were stolen.  

Boson Police announced that the public should know that no police were seriously hurt.  


By morning on Saturday, 30 May 2020, the results of the nights mayhem was visible throughout the town.  The head of Saint Louis IX was sitting on the pedastal below his horses hoves.


A descendant of the French monarchy has waded into the tumult unfolding across the US to plead for the repair of the statue and started a Go Fund Me account to raise Euros, or Dollars or Pounds from around the world.  

The move has led to calls for the return of the guillotine. 
Louis Alphonse of Bourbon kept up the family tradition of ill-advised comments when he denounced the mob as Islamophiles and Philistines. He noted that the nearby Mosque of the Eternal Jihad had not been vandilized in any way.

Louis Alphonse of Bourbon was reminded that it is not just statues that can lose their heads to mobs

Protesters have said that attacking a mosque would be a racist attack against the Islamic race.

Prottesters Honor and Respect the Islamic Race

While CNN commentators have been blaming Russia for the violent protests across the US and others have noted that China's communist owned news media has played up the uprisings to score propaganda points, President Trump has blamed 'anarchists and Antifa.'

Boson Police have said that 'outside agitators' had come from out of town and point to the arrest of one masked anarchist on the Southeast Expressway I93 leading into Boson on Friday evening.  Police are asking for help identifying the miscreant who refuses to give his name claiming he has a 'secret identity.'  Antifa are known for wearing masks in public to conceal their identity while not caring about COVID-19 or social distancing. 

See Also: The Catholic Saint Who Was a Muslim Slayer – Saint Louis King of France



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