Boson Harbour: Hundreds show on and off the water for ‘MAGA’ boat parade - Trump Opponents and Media Outraged - By Lillian Donahue

Boson MASS (WCSC) - Hundreds of Trump supporters took to the Boson Harbour today for a MAGA boat parade while spectators packed the battery.

The event organized online had over 700 people signed up to attend and more than one thousand people interested.

The water was packed with participants and others out boating during the holiday weekend.
“We’ve got our friends coming in,” participant Michael Holcomb said. “There’s people we saw coming in from all over to watch this and view this. So it’s pretty awesome.”

The parade started around noon while dozens lined the battery to take pictures.

Frank Collins said he was astonished by the number of the crowd both on the battery and in the harbor.

“We just came out to see how big it was going to be and were overwhelmed, this is huge,” Collins said.

But not everyone was as excited to hear about the parade. Local Green Party activist William Hamilton voiced his concerns about the lack of social distancing in the midst of a pandemic. The Green Party is opposed to all recreational use of boats that use internal combustion engines or any electrical power that is not generated by renewable energy.

“Well, my first thought is that it was remarkable that when Americans were dying at the rate of over 1,000 a day, and 40 million people are out of work that somebody thought it was appropriate to hold a big party,” Hamilton said.  "I have not left my house in two months, and hardly ever leave my bedroom.  Why can't these people be more like me?" 

Hamilton was featured in the local news recently when police and the Animal Rescue League took 19 dogs and numerous other animals away from the home he shares with his elderly mother.  Hamilton claimed that he was providing a safe home for all the animals and considered the creatures as his family.  Neighbors had complained repeatedly about the loud barking at all hours from the dozens of dogs.  Authorities discovered that Hamilton was claiming several dogs and three cats as underage dependents and receiving Transitional Assistance money meant for human children.

"There are too many people, and not enough animals," Hamilton told Transitional Assistance workers who challenged his claims to public money.  Hamilton does not work and gets Social Security money as a mentally handicapped person due to psychological problems. 

This morning, spots at many local boat ramps also quickly filled up.

“I got here at 8:30 this morning in the entire parking lot was already full of boat trailers and they’re still steady rolling in,” local resident Betsy Logan said at the Wappoo boat landing.

One boater was asked by this reporter, "How can you go out on your boat while over 36,000,000 people are out of work?"

"How does my boating or not boating have any impact on that?" the clearly exasperated boater Yvette Denaria said.  "I am using fuel, doesn't that help put people to work?"  She added, "What are we supposed to do?  Stay home and watch the news and cry?"  

During the parade, the Boson and Quincy Police Departments, U.S. Coast Guard, as well as the Department of Natural Resources made patrols.  A bomb threat was determined to be a hoax and was traced to Green Party headquarters.  The Green Party states that they would never use a bomb because it would contribute to global warming. 

  (Quincy Police closed down the Quincy section of Quincy Shore Drive leading to Boson Harbour)

Officials with the Boson Police Department and the United States Coast Guard said the agency did not have any rescues from their harbor unit. Quincy police and US Coast guard did assist a participant whose boat was taking on water and lost power in the Harbor but did not respond to any rescues. Massachusetts State Police  have not yet responded to requests for information, but did have a heavily armed SWAT team ready along with several military style sea craft patrolling near Half Moon Island.

See Also 


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