Christ Told Lepers to 'Stay At Home' - 'Let He who is not afflicted cast themselves into quarantine' - Communitarian Church of Boson

'Render unto Caesar All Personal Liberty' 

 As the weeks turn into months and many Democrats and Liberals call for an 'endless lockdown' Boson's churches are begining to take sides on the issue.  

Archbishop McFeely has said that the local Catholic church will follow whatever directives come from the government as the church has enough problems on its hands already.  

 Faced with massive court ordered payments for numerous children raped by Catholic priests for decades the Archdiocese of Boson has announced in the church newspaper The Pontius Pilate that altar boys will be going door to door in cars driven by nuns from Saint Mickey's Catholic Academy with collection baskets to help pay for the priests sins in what the church calls Operation Suffer the Little Children. 

  Saint Mickey's and Saint Louis the Muslim Slayer Churches to be Combined into One Parish to Save Money 

The Protestant churches in Boson have taken different paths while dealing with the lack of services and religious meetings during the COVID-19 quarantines.  Most moved sermons onto Skype or Google Meetup or Zoom.  A few defied the Massachusetts lockdown and held meetings in the church parking lot in people's cars, or at the Neponset Drive-In Theatre.  

At the Communitarian Church of Boson, a unitarian universalist omni-group, the minister is making news with a newly discovered section of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  

The New Testament contains several accounts of Jesus dealing with lepers, but these historical narratives might not be telling us the full story, some scholars are now claiming.

"Rather than simply healing and cleansing the lepers, as some derivative accounts in Greek claim, the original Hebrew writings indicate that "The Great Teacher" who is obviously Jesus, actually told the lepers he met in the market to "Stay home, save lives" after giving them a basket with a couple of loaves of bread and some cat fish.  This indicates that Christ was anticipating the very situation we are in today with the COVID-19 lockdowns across the world. 

Dr. Robert Belling, Dean of Doubt Formation at UMass Boson Divinity School who attends the Community Church of Boson said via Facetime,  "It was the smart thing to do. It's how Jesus loved His neighbor. And may we all live by His example by not going back to work or routine activities until Governor Baker says we can."

One account comes from the newly translated Book of Enoch. According to this perspective on Jesus's life, the Messiah was approached by a leper woman who seemed to tempt Our Lord and Savior with her diseased flesh.  "Verily I say unto you, thou shalt not tempt the Son of Man.  Keep your social distance."   

"But Rabbi," the wanton woman said, "I can't earn a living for my family. I'm dying! What should I do?"

"Stay home, save lives," the Lord said.  Again he was anticipating the world we now live in.

"Jesus did not say anything about 'Medicaid for All' or 'Save the National Health Service' since the Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Judea only had 'faith based health care' like many American's today.



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