COVIDConspiracy Theory Spreads Through Boson's Sleestak Neighborhood - Blame Borg For 'Assimilation' Bug

Boson MASS - Many residents and recent immigrants of Sleestak descent are talking about the allegations that The Borg are behind the recent lockdown and virus problems across the city, the nation, and the world.

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As has been documented elsewhere the Sleestak home world blew up decades ago and while they were traditional enemies of the whole human race a number of Sleestak refugees have been allowed to settle in the US and in Massachusetts.

Having a fish based diet Sleestak gravitated towards Boson's fish processing plants and other seafood related industries.  Some jobs that were previously hard to fill because of low pay difficult work and danger, and the pervasive fish smell fit with the Sleestak's tastes.  The Sleestak workers in Boson Fish Rendering Company even took 5 gallon buckets of waste home each night so their wives could make traditional Sleestak Fish Stew.

But with Massachusetts Governor Charles Duane Baker Jr. ordering businesses to close and people to stay in their homes under virtual house arrest the workers had to rely on the fermented fish stew they almost all had in their cellars.

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Sleestak turned to Zoom, Google Meetup, and Skype to connect with other Sleestak.  The rumors began.  The Borg were accused of trying to ruin life for the Sleestak people once again.  Even though the end of the Sleestak Home World was the result of a natural event of their star going 'nova' and blowing up, somehow the Sleestak are blaming The Borg for that catastrophe, too.   Realistically one can't blame The Borg for everything that goes wrong in the Milky Way. 

In a development that worries the Boson Democratic Committee there have been rumors that former Vice President Biden has been assimilated into the Borg.  The Sleestak area has been voting for Democrats over the last decade or so.  City Councilor Ema Strickland is a Democrat and running against Republican Mayor Welsh in November when Biden will also be on the ticket.

Biden's office issued a statement denouncing the Sleestak rumor and wondering if 'so-called' President Trump started the rumor on twitter in the middle of the night.

On a live stream podcast former VP Biden added, "If you ain't votin' Biden you ain't Sleestak!"   As he sign off Biden asked off camera, "Who the hell are 'The Borg?'"


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