Boson Churches Repainting Statues of White Jesus With Blackface, Citing Book of Revelations Description

Boson, Massachusetts churches have joined others across the nation who have started repainting statues of Jesus in public spaces in which the religious figure is depicted with typical Middle Eastern Semitic Jewish person with white skin and a large nose.  There is only one description of Christ in the New Testament where many authors depict Christ as a Spirit in the sky who never became incarnate.   Jesus is portrayed in the vision from the Book of Revelations as having a robe with a golden sash, white hair, brown skin, kinky hair, horns, eyes like blazing fire, feet like bronze and a voice like rushing waters. He holds seven stars in his right hand and has a tongue that is a double-edged sword coming out of his mouth. The vision is also notable for being the only identifiable physical description of Jesus in any form in the Biblical canon.

The move comes after a large group of leftist historians pointed out that Jesus couldn’t have possibly been white and that depicting him as such is insensitive to the accomplishments of other races.

“I never thought I’d say this, but I’m calling for all Jesus statues in our state to be given blackface,” Massachusetts Governor Charles Duane Baker Junior stated. “Really any brownish tone is fine, so long our Lord and Savior doesn’t look white, or Jewish.”

Meanwhile, many people who believed in white Jesus have begun doubting the Savior’s storyline, causing a crisis of faith among Americans. With some people like political pundit Sean King even suggesting that Jesus might have deserved to be crucified.

“When you really examine the Bible it becomes clear that Jesus was just some ethnic guy wearing baggy robes, wandering the holy land with a gang of jobless men and stirring up trouble,” Sean King stated. “The whole gang was walking around on Palestinian land trying to claim they owned the place in the name of Yahweh.  What?  We’ve got to start asking ourselves the tough questions – like did Jesus really cooperate with the authorities? And unfortunately I just have to call it like I see it folks. This Jesus guy was a colonialist thug.  He never praised Mohamed.  That's an insult and Islamizationphobic.”


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