Boson Protecting Statues From Antifa Leftists By Disguising Them As Karl Marx

Boson MASS.—Looking to protect statues and other municipal monuments, cities and towns across the country have begun disguising their statues as Karl Marx.

Boson City council joined the trend and seemingly protected a statue of the city's founder, Higginson Boson with a 'Karl Marx' disguise.   Cities all over are ordering Karl Marx wigs and putting them on Teddy Roosevelt, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other statues.  The first statue to be disguised was a recent addition to Boson Commons of Massachusetts current Governor Charlse Duane Baker Junior. 

The move has proven effective at deterring Antifa Anarchists and other extremist groups, who are only looking for statues of old hateful slave owning white guys and capitalists to destroy and not statues of egalitarian communists who didn't own slaves while everyone else was getting rich off slave labor. 

"As soon as leftist rioters see the statue isn't of a slave owning Southern feudalist or a Northerner who supported slavery they move on,"  said one Boson city worker as he put a Karl Marx wig and beard on a statue of Abraham Lincoln. "Well, first, they bow respectfully to their hero and then move on."

Plaques on the statues with controversial quotes from the Founding Fathers are also being covered up with Marx quotes like "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point is, to change it!" and "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!"

Some Boson officials worried that honoring Karl Marx might encourage youth to look into the ideas of the founding philosopher of communism.  Others dismissed the idea as just more of the Loony Left's pathetic calls for economic equality and plenty for all.


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