Boson's 'Israel First' Group Outraged by 'Anti-Semitic' Billboard With 'America First Not Israel' Message

(UPI) "How dare they?" one outraged spokesperson said.  "I'm speechless.  This is a slap in the face to all of us.  And the longer the billboard stays up, the more we will be slapped.  Enough!"

On East Blue Hills Parkway the large outdoor sign is visible as one heads towards the west onto the Southeast Expressway/I93. 

The billboard is rented for one month and the company claims they can not violate the contract and have no editorial control over political messages. 

"This is an outrage," the spokesman for the Israel First organizations responded.  "Is this 1930's Germany?  Are we going to have to hide in cellars and attics like Anne Frank during the Nazi years.  Ultimately I think this goes right to the top of the US system with the proto-fascist Trump.  He gives the green light to American Nationalists."

This reporter pointed out that Trump had moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and done many other things to help the Israeli government.  Trump's own grandchildren are partly Jewish, this reporter noted.

"That's different," the spokesperson retorted.  "We're in America now."


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