Dining Al Fresco on I93 - Expressy Eats Social Distance - A Median Strip Too Far?

(Diners enjoy an enchanting view of the slopes of the East Blue Hills as the sun sets over Big Blue)

(AP) —In an effort to provide residents with a way to more safely patronize restaurants without fear of contracting Covid-19, Boson officials announced a new initiative Tuesday to designate open-air dining areas along the Southeast Expressway I93 freeway median.

“We’re thrilled to take this bold step to give Bosonians a chance to dine while enjoying the sights and sounds of the iconic stretch of interstate highway system locally remembered as the Southeast Expressway,” said Mayor Martin Welsh, telling reporters that the designated sections would be spaced out at socially distant intervals and minimize contact with other diners.  Previously there were no pedestrians allowed on the highway area, and eating outside many restaurants on a public sidewalk was not allowed.  The city is allowing all food serving establishments to set up on public sidewalks during the COVIDisaster. 

"We have teamed up with Expressway Eats near the Boson off-ramp to allow the median strip to be used for dining," the mayor added.  .

“This will provide much-needed economic relief to local restaurants and give Boson residents a chance to get out of their homes and enjoy some of the best cuisine in the area in a safe and responsible way.  People may be happy seeing how traffic is back to normal at rush hour indicating many are back to work.”


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