City Councilor Ema Strickland Gets Around the Clock Police Protection After Calling to Defund the Police

Boson MA (AP) Mayoral candidate Boson City Council President Ema Strickland has requested around the clock security after claiming to be routinely receiving 'explicit death threats.'  

Councilor Strickland's apartment building in Harrad Square has a Boson Police cruiser parked outside despite the councilor's introduction of a bill to 'defund the police.'  Her building has security guards who use sophisticated CCTV monitors to check all entrances to the building.  

After previously raising funds to help bail out arrested protesters, looters, and arsonists detained during demonstrations Councilor Strickland refused to bail out the 'mostly peaceful' vandals who set her car on fire.

"I've been using Uber to get around town," Councilor Strickland, who is openly gay.  "But, when I get a new electric car to help the planet I will ask the police to keep special watch over my car."  She added, "the fact that I have called for defunding the police should not affect their treatment of me in any way.  That would be homophobic and misogynist and police officers could get fired."  


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