UMass Boson Astronomy Dept: Is the Earth Being 'Ghosted' by Alien Civilizations? Repeated METI Signals to Space Ignored

 Obviously Inhabited Exoplanets Refuse To Acknowledge Earth's Messages 

GLIESE 581 G—Noting that their lack of response to interstellar radio messages seemed pretty obvious, University of Massachusetts at Boson Astronomy Department have concluded that the civilization on GLIESE 581 G are ignoring the targeted message.  

"We sadly realized that the impulse messages with prime numbers and other mathematical formulas are simply being 'ghosted' by the obvious civilization on GLIESE 581,"  Dr. Thomas Johnson wrote by text.  "We can detect chemicals in the atmosphere that indicate a machine civilization on the planet.  Yet, they won't 'pick up.'"

Some have speculated that the Voyager space craft with a gold record with the Earth's greatest hits and Karl Sagan's son talking gave the alien civilization the idea that Earth is a 'baby show' planet with retarded people who still used 'record players.'  


"If the Voyager probe came near Earth now, would we be able to play that gold record?" Dr Johnson asked.  "Well, maybe Joe Biden has a record player in his basement, but even that's a long shot." 


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