Boson Colonial Church Fights With Coin Finding Metal Detector Who Found $10,000 Antique Penny (Reuters) 26 Oct 2020

(Reuters)  A Boson man is in a dispute with the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Boson over the ownership of a rare 1798 penny found in the colonial era church burial grounds.  The finder was armed with a metal detector and had permission to be in the graveyard as long as he didn't disturb any of the crumbling headstones or crosses.  

No agreement had been reached as to who was the owner of any relics found in the cemetery.  

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars," said Jay Shane holding a picture of the found penny out.  "Do you see a picture of the church on this penny?"  

The man with the metal detector says he found the long-hidden, 222-year-old coin under a few inches of soil just inside the wrought iron fence gate of the graveyard.

Jay Shane, of Boson's Pleasant Valley neighborhood, usually does his metal hunting at North Wollaston Beach.   "I decided to try my luck around this graveyard," he explained.  "This is the oldest burial area for European colonists in the town.  I have explored some of the Native American Indian areas in the East Blue Hills, too.  But all I ever find there are some arrowheads and bones." 

The copper penny, dated 1798, comes from the first decade of American-minted money in North America.

 After hearing about the find the Boson Unitarian church committee asked Jay Shane to share the proceeds from the sale of the coin, "in a spirit of doing the Lord's work."  

Jay Shane said, "No, the Lord helps those who help themselves.  This penny was lying there for hundreds of years and none of them were guided to it by the Lord.  None of them bothered to look down at the soil at their feet.  Finders, keepers, losers, weepers. Isn't that in the Bible somewhere?"



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