Boson's 'Taste of Sicily' Restaurant Wins Court Case Against $10k COVID Fine - 21 Oct 2020


(AP) A family restaurant in Boson, Massachussetts, has won a major victory against COVID-19 restrictions in their state, with a court finding the $10,000 fine they were hit with "unenforceable."

Taste of Sicily in Boson County reopened their doors in May after an extended closure saw them experience financial difficulty. They were immediately struck with a $10,000 fine by the state for not adhering to social distancing, mask, and other compliance orders mandated by the COVID-19 pandemic orders. 

The Italian restaurant, which is co-owned by brother and sister team Michael Mangano and Christine Wartluft, was found not guilty after fighting a lengthy battle in court against the fines.

Their lawyer, Eric Winter, told the Daily Caller that Governor Charles Duane Baker Jr. and the Department of Health’s Orders couldn’t be punished under Massachusetts criminal law.

In his decision, Judge Stickman wrote that he believed the Baker government “undertook their actions in a well-intentioned effort to protect the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts” but that “good intentions towards a laudable end are not alone enough to uphold governmental action against a constitutional challenge. If these ideas are so beneficial, codify them into law and have them voted on by the legislature.  That way opponents can have their say."

The state health officials responded anonymously to this reporter, "The science is settled.  Opponents have nothing to say."


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