"Democrats Will Cancel Christmas!" Mayor Welsh Rallies Supporters - "Strickland Will Bring A COVID Lockdown Dystopia"

Boson MASS: With a few days left to November 3 voting, and many people having voted already, Boson saw a large rally of Republican Trump and Mayor Welsh supporters on Boson Commons.  Speaking from the bandstand gazebo Boson's current Republican Mayor Martin J. Welsh addressed the crowd of several thousand (the mayor was not wearing a face mask as he spoke.)  

City Council President Ema Strickland was reportedly very angry when she saw video of Mayor Welsh joking that he might declare himself 'transgender' to get some of the 'alphabet soup' vote.  A visibly shaking Councilor Strickland said by Zoom call, "Gay, transgender, queer, non-binary, and Lesbian people die every day.  There is nothing to laugh about when talking about LBTQetcetera people,  Nothing."  

She added, "I might also point out that the video of the rally features a Christmas song while Mayor Welsh was claiming Democrats will cancel the Holidays. That is not true.  However, the city passed an ordinance I introduced that prohibits playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving.  I will be filling a Human Rights Complaint with the City of Boson on Monday morning as soon as the office opens." 

 While Councilor Strickland has called for defunding the police she has called for increasing the city Human Rights Commission and urged that the commissioners and agents be given arrest powers. 

City Council President Strickland is relying heavily on gay and Lesbian voters to help her defeat her Republican nemesis Mayor Marty Welsh.  Councilor Strickland mentions that she is 'gay' 'Lesbian' or 'bi-sexual' about a dozen times in every interview or campaign speech she makes.  

"That's my signature," she explains.  "I am an outloud and proud representative of a marginalized community that will be silent no more.  We have a right to be heard!" 


"No one has a 'right to be heard' Mayor Welsh responded.  "You have the freedom to say what you want.  No one has to listen to you."  

Although he has vowed to stay out of politics,  Boson's most famous member of the Federal Witness Protection Program has endorsed both Mayor Welsh and Donald Trump.  "I did so much to torpedo the presidency of that warmongering with Hillificent," said Seth Rich, "I can't stand by while Biden, another warmoner from the Clinton Swamp takes over.  Vote Trump! Vote Welsh!" 



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