East Blue Hills Farmer Uses Steel Shipping Containers For Trump Sign After Bales of Hay Set on Fire Repeatedly


Boson County Massachusetts – Arsonists have forced a farmer to get creative with his display supporting President Donald Trump.

Farmer Jon Dolieslager originally created the display using stacks of hay at the corner of Avenue 384 and Road 80 in Dinuba at the edge of the East Blue Hills Reservation. 

On Sept. 29, the Boson County Sheriff's Office says the hay was set on fire by arsonists.

The display was burnt to the ground, costing Dolieslager around $5,000 since the hay wasn't insured.

A few days later, Dolieslager rebuilt the display, using more hay and signs this time. The display was set on fire for a second time on Saturday, Oct. 11.


The sheriff's office says it found evidence that indicates this fire was started on purpose.

Dolieslager says the fire isn't discouraging him from showing his support for Trump.

"We're just gonna keep on going," he said. "We want to get our candidates to finish line."

He rebuilt the display for a second time on Monday, using steel shipping containers this time.

Anyone with information on both fires are asked to contact the Boson County Sheriff’s Office.



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