Man Arrested After He's Denied Burger King Breakfast - by Jesse Leavenworth (Boson Courant) 20 Oct 2020

Boson MASS — Denied a fast food breakfast because he was too late, a local man became angry and cited a movie in which a similar rejection results in a customer threatening people with a gun, police said Tuesday.

Tracked down at his home after the confrontation at a Burger King restaurant on Sunday, Kary Guhn was arrested and charged with first-degree threatening and second-degree breach of peace, police spokesman Capt. Christopher Davis said.

At about 10:55 a.m., Guhn, 55, ordered breakfast at the Burger King on Center Street, but was told that breakfast service had ended at 10:30 a.m., Davis said.

"Have you ever seen the movie, 'Falling Down' with Michael Douglas?" Guhn asked the cashier, according to Davis. "It's a movie you should watch."

Clip from Falling Down - Dailymotion -

Guhn told the cashier the main character in the movie shot up a burger joint after being denied breakfast and added, "That's what I feel like doing," Davis said. Kuhn then threw a coupon at the cashier and walked out, Davis said.

In the 1993 movie, Douglas' character, D-Fens, orders breakfast at a "Whammy Burger" and is told breakfast service ended five minutes earlier. D-Fens then pulls out a submachine gun, threatens everyone in the place and then decides to have lunch instead, according to the movie website, Before he leaves, he berates the staff for serving him a hamburger that looks nothing like the advertising posters, according to the plot synopsis.

Tracked down at his home after the confrontation at a Burger King restaurant on Sunday, Kary Guhn was arrested and charged with first-degree threatening and second-degree breach of peace, police spokesman Capt. Christopher Davis said.

Officers who arrested Guhn, of 8 Lookout Mountain Drive, asked him if he wanted to waive his right to remain silent, and he answered that "he only wanted a sandwich; he was still hungry," Davis said.

"He explained that because his mother left for work before he got up each morning he had to get his morning meal at the nearby Burger King restaurant.  We asked why he didn't just walk a few blocks down the street to Dunkin' Donuts where they sell breakfast style sandwiches and donuts all day."

"It's too far to walk," responded Guhn.  



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