Boson Green Party and PETA Endorse Biden At Boson Commons Rally - 2 Nov 2020

 Several hundred Boson Green Party supporters rallied on Boson Commons to urge a vote for Joe Biden as the only way to save the planet Earth.  They were joined by PETA animal rights allies. 

From the podium at the bandstand facing Trimount Street one speaker shouted,  "At this moment in time Trump is the greatest threat to the Earth and the ecological survival of humanity.  Joe Biden is all that stands between the total destruction of the world's environment and the survival of humanity."  

Since the participants where going to wear face masks to minimize COVID transmission anyway, they decided to wear animal head mask they had for a Halloween parade for Gay Rights that featured City Council President Ema Strickland, who is openly Gay and Lesbian.   Strickland is the Democratic Party candidate for mayor on Tuesday, 3 November 2020, and she has also endorsed Biden.  Councilor Strickland wore a pepe the frog head mask. 


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