Dozens of Trump Supporters Drop Dead Of Broken Hearts At Anti-Fraud Rally - Boson County Courthouse


Dozens of Trump Supporters Drop Dead Of Broken Hearts At Anti-Fraud Rally 

BOSON Massachusetts—As the harsh reality of a Biden win in the electoral college becomes a reality, defiant Trump supporters in Boson joined Mayor Welsh for an "Anti-Election Fraud" rally outside Boson County Courthouse.  Ballots for both the presidential race, and the mayoral contest in Boson are still being counted inside.  

As the evening rally welcomed a second speaker and the large screen television behind the speaker showed more states falling into the Biden column a visible wave of despair went across the crowd.  "We lost," one man shouted out angrily.  "We are lost," a woman screamed.  "America is gone," sighed a dramatic young woman from the stage.  

People looked up to the dark sky and towards the lights of Boson's Trump Tower and simply dropped dead.  In a kind of mass hysteria police and emergency services report that almost three dozen Trump boosters died at the Boson Commons rally. 

“Upon returning to the dystopian nightmare of radical liberal Democratic party rule by smug bureaucrats the loyal patriots simply died," said a visibly shaken Mayor Welsh.   "People had gathered to scream for victory, but they ended looking at the sky in despair and instantly died instead. “It is as though millions of voices suddenly cried out at once but were suddenly silenced.”

“They simply… lost the will to live,” he added somberly. “You might say they died of a broken heart.”

 Main stream media commenters and Hollywood stars said they tried to warn Trump supporters that this would happen, but they didn’t listen.  "We knew Trump couldn't win.  We had half the people, and the media and CIA and FBI and EU and the Pope, how could Trump win?"

The surviving Trump voters in Boson said they will rally around Mayor Welsh who seems to be ahead in the disputed ballot count for re-election.

"We will still be conservative patriots fighting for America against the evil globalist establishment and their puppet Old Man Biden," said Mayor Welsh at the Boson City Morgue as he welcomed ambulances delivering dead Trump supporters.  "Biden has a pyrrhic victory.  He will be out of office in about two years.  Trump's first rally will be in the spring to welcome Easter while Biden calls for the Easter Bunnie to be cancelled."

Many had thought that die-hard Trumpkins would simply hold their breath, or more reasonably simply move to a 'red state' vote Republican and conservative populist there. They could have simply sung the Trump 2020 Campaign Song 'YMCA,' or the 2016 "You can't always get what you want...."


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