Liberal Dems and Greens Flumoxxed As Mayor Welsh Declairs Snow Days 'Global Warming Days'

 Mayor Welsh has irked his opponents on the Boson City Council and the Green Party, which has no members elected to the city council, by declaring last week's snow day as 'Global Warming Day.' 

The mayor said through his mask as he left Boson City Hall yesterday that he was sick of freezing Decembers.  

"When is this imminent global warming coming to New England?  When? AOC says we have ten years left to live, and that was last year.  When are we going to get the promised sub-tropical climate in Massachusetts so Cape Cod can become the new Florida."  

"Simply outrageous," said City Council President Ema Strickland who is openly gay.  "This borders on genocide. But, we do need to look into increasing heating subsidies for the poor and low income.  We've had a string of colder winters.  I've had my heat on since October 1st.  So, I feel the pain of the poor."



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