A malodorous stench emanated from the Neponset River in Boson and Milton Wednesday, as thousands of dead fish — the victims of a massive “die-off” — stacked up on the shorelines.

Dead fish are seen as they collect against the Amelia Earhart Dam in the Mystic River.© Jesica Binaldi/Boson Globe Staff Dead fish are seen as they collect against the Amelia Earhart Dam in the Mystic River.

It’s a scene that has replayed in these waters at least twice over the last four years, and officials say the cause, while unfortunate, is natural.

The creatures are menhaden, more commonly known as “pogies,” a fish that travels in large schools by nature, according to Patrick Herron, executive director of the River Watershed Association. It’s likely, Herron said, that a school of the fish was driven from Boson Harbour into the Neponset River by a predator, like a striped bass, or striper.

Once in the river’s shallow and warmer waters, he said, the fish probably stuck around too long and depleted the oxygen supply, leaving them to suffocate by the thousands.

“They came in in such a large school and stayed in this delimited area for so long, that they ultimately used up the oxygen in the water, grew sick, and died off,” said Herron, who has witnessed such fish kills on the Neponset River in the past.

It’s the same phenomenon that plagued this section of the river in July 2018, when tens of thousands of dead menhaden washed up, creating a stench so bad that employees at a Costco that’s near the river in called the city to complain.

“The smell was just terrible,” said Romeo Void, who was fishing on the Boson side of the river Tuesday and witnessed the die-off in 2018. “And from what I saw then, this could get worse.”

Void could be right. Menhaden that are still alive in that portion of the river may wash ashore dead over the next few days, according to Herron.

In Boson, the fish are collecting by the Saint Bosontolph's Bridge Dam, near Harrad Square.

Herron said he encountered a dense school of menhaden, which he believes to be the same school that is dying off, near the dam last Wednesday while he was boating the river.

“We saw this monster school of menhaden that went for hundreds of yards, from shore to shore,” he said. “You could look down and just see this incredible density of fish. And of course, I turned to my compatriots on the boats and said ‘oh man, I think this will be a fish kill.’”

Swarms of flies travelled from fish to fish Tuesday afternoon, and some of the menhaden that were still alive in the river appeared to struggle for breathe.

Thankfully, it shouldn’t be long before they are washed away by the tide.

“I would counsel patience for people as they encounter them,” said Herron. “They will smell and then they’ll be gone.”

And while the die-off may seem alarming, officials say it’s actually a signal that menhaden are returning to the river’s waters.

“For many years Menhaden were absent from these waters due to pollution,” Mayor Marty Welsh said in a statement. “Today there are literally hundreds of thousands of these fish present.”


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