
New England GOP Is Ignoring Immigration Patriotism, And Losing - by Hank Johnson -

  Directly after Donald Trump’s   epochal 2016 upset , Editor Peter Brimelow   argued that the   GOP/GAP (“Generic American Party”)   should   consolidate its victory   by continuing its implicit adoption of the   Sailer Strategy   and increasing its share of the white vote, which meant breaking into “Greater New England, from Portland, ME to Portland, OR. These are areas that are heavily white, and yet they are still substantially controlled by Democrats.” Trump (or   Jared Kushner )   didn’t take Brimelow’s advice   (remember the “ Platinum Plan ”?) and consequently lost in 2020, albeit narrowly and controversially. Unfortunately, in 2022, the GOP/GAP in New England itself still hasn’t gotten the message—although at least it’s no longer talking about a   Jeb Bush–style Amnesty . But will that be enough? Depressingly, a glance at some of the races show that GOP candidates are ignoring immigration patrioti...

CNN at the Airport - Travelers Required to Sign Up For CNN+

  CNN and Franz Kafka International Airport Combine to Offer Special Deal on CNN+ Streaming Service "CNN is already the most popular news channel at the airport, we thought it was a natural to add the streaming service" - Travelers Will Be Required To Show Proof Of Sign Up for CNN+ Only $2.99 a Month

Biden Refuses To Re-Open Oil Pipelines - "Saving the Earth is more important than Democrats winning the elections in 2022"


5-Year-Old Who Identifies As A Pterodactyl Finds It's Not Easy To Get Species-Affirming Care In Massachusetts

Gender and Identarian Laws Force Boson City Hospital Into Challenging Treatments And Biological Conundrums

Boson Commons Rally to Stop Compulsory Vaccination Mandates

  - Several Hundred Labor Unionists and Others Opposed To COVID Dictators Call For An End To "Public Health Fascism" - Demand Direct Election of Public Health Authorities

Massachusetts last computer chip manufacturing facility shuttered due to tightened environmental regulations

"We must save the Earth," said Boson City Council President Ema Strickland, who is openly Gay, "This is the only planet we have!"

Boson's Little Miss Liberty Statue On Half Moon Island At High Tide - Sunday 10 March 2022 6:42am

  Boson's Little Miss Liberty Statue On Half Moon Island At High Tide - Sunday 10 March 2022 6:42am

"The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming" - Massachusetts National Guard Naval Unit Reports Spotting Russian Sub

  "The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming" - Massachusetts National Guard Naval Unit Reports Spotting Russian Nuclear Powered Submarine In Boson Harbour - Gov Baker "Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result"

"If we had trans women on our team we could have won" - Megan Rapinoe

  "If we had trans women on our team we could have won" - Megan Rapinoe Explains Why World Champion US Women's Olympic Soccer Team Lost To Boson's Boys Junior High School League Players - Average Age 15 Years Old

Boson City Hospital Doctors Shocked As High School Drop Out Cures River Blindness With This Simple Trick


Boson's Museum of Find Art confiscates a self-portrait by the Russian artist Pyotr Konchalovsky owned by the sanctioned Russian capitalist Petr Aven

  No trial, no due process - Russians Have No Rights A "Democracy" Must Respect Claims Governor Charles Duane Baker Junior

U Haul COVID - Woman Walks Saint Bosontolph's Bridge - Fear of COVID Keeps Her Off Public Transportation - Thousands Demand Social Security Payments For Long Haul COVID


Dozens Crushed - Stop & Shop Bans Silletto High Heels After Egg Section Disaster


A 7-foot-tall robot at Boson's Franz Kafka International Airport is watching for unmasked travelers and curbside loiterers


Boson City Council President Ema Strickland Joins Democratic Club of Quadruple Vaxxed COVID Patients


"Don't Wear A White Coat" - East Blue Hills Polar Bear Hunting Season Begins

   Bow Hunter Exclusive For The First Week - Massachusetts Green Rainbow Party Opposes Killing of Endangered Species

Protesting East Blue Hills Logging - Tree Sitter Falls Out of Tree At 4am

  "As long as I can save one tree I don't care if I die" - Note: There Are More Trees In Massachusetts Than There Are People - There Are More Trees In Massachusetts Than There Were In 1800

Boson Commons COVID Dictatorship Opponents Rally

  "The system is rigged. They want us to think it’ll protect us, but that’s a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies. Not the scientists. Not the government. Us.”

What compels Boson Public School teachers and politicians to protest so vociferously in favor of telling elementary school children about what they did on the weekend, who their partners are and their sex lives and identity choices?


Amal Cluny - From The Impoverished Barrios of Native Massachusetts To the Mansions of Hollywood - Struggled To Learn English And Still Speaks With A Latin Accent - Family Were Migrant Workers Traveling To The Spanish Island of Majorca


Neponset River Mudflats Bridge Completed - Engineers Failed To Take River Tides Into Consideration - "Nobody told us"


North Wollaston Beach Allows Recreational Vehicles With $3 Day Pass


After Three Hour Debate Boson City Council Votes To Require All Motorists To Rap Plastic Bags Around Side View Mirrors For Those Parked On The Odd Side Of City Streets


"Putin's Price Hikes" Governor Baker Joins President Biden Denouncing "Putin is forcing every Massachusetts business to raise prices. Profits are soaring, but that's not why business people operate companies. They do it for the people. Putin is compelling capitalists to profit off war. Sad"


Boson's Potemkin Village Neighborhood Rallies Against Ukraine's Azov Battalion and Right Sector - Gov Baker Condemns "Enemies of democracy who refuse to give up their Russian ethnicity"

Boson's Little Kiev Neighborhood Flies The Flag of Ukraine's Best Fighters - Remembering Ukraine's Liberation in The 1940's With Germany's Help