New England GOP Is Ignoring Immigration Patriotism, And Losing - by Hank Johnson -

Directly after Donald Trump’s epochal 2016 upset , Editor Peter Brimelow argued that the GOP/GAP (“Generic American Party”) should consolidate its victory by continuing its implicit adoption of the Sailer Strategy and increasing its share of the white vote, which meant breaking into “Greater New England, from Portland, ME to Portland, OR. These are areas that are heavily white, and yet they are still substantially controlled by Democrats.” Trump (or Jared Kushner ) didn’t take Brimelow’s advice (remember the “ Platinum Plan ”?) and consequently lost in 2020, albeit narrowly and controversially. Unfortunately, in 2022, the GOP/GAP in New England itself still hasn’t gotten the message—although at least it’s no longer talking about a Jeb Bush–style Amnesty . But will that be enough? Depressingly, a glance at some of the races show that GOP candidates are ignoring immigration patrioti...