Boson Man Lost For Seven Days in East Blue Hills Reservation - Killed Squirells For Food - Animal Rights Activists Outraged

A Boson man has a harrowing story to tell after getting lost for seven days out on the land near Big Blue earlier this month. Robert 'Bob' Johansen left on foot to go deer hunting on a clear weekend afternoon, and had already seen several deer, when the weather quickly turned foggy. He got disoriented and lost. He was following what he thought was the sound of shots being fired at a nearby family camp, but in fact was the echo of the shots in the East Blue Hills, so he headed in the wrong direction. "I had with me a hand crossbow, darts, no food, and a knife, and I also had a lighter. But I had dropped it so I had no fire starter to make fire with," he told this reporter. "Well, I had some snacks," he admitted. "A Snickers candy bar and Hostess Ding-dongs. But, I ate them before I really knew I was lost." He had only brought a can of Pepsi to drink with him on the hunt. After two days on the land, he said he fell to his knees ...