Boson Libertarians Propose "Rugged Individualism" Stop Signs - 25 Sept 2019

Boson, MA: After a successful annual conference Boson Libertarians have joined with Free Thinking Democrats on Boson City Council to change the "Stop Signs" across the City of Boson. The Libertarian owner of the Southern Shore Mall in west Boson near the Milton border has installed the signs on exits to the mall and throughout the 100 acre parking lot.
Libertarians believe that Thomas Jefferson was right when he wrote, "That government governs best which governs least." Jefferson owned hundreds of slaves, and he did not 'govern them least' but the point was still valid, insisted the libertarians who quote him.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019, was when all of the malls stop signs were replaced with 'freedom' signs that read, "STOP (OR DON'T, WHATEVER'S COOL. YOU DO YOU)." Now, mall going motorists can roll through stop signs, momentarily touching their brake pedals to acknowledge that the sign exists, without fear of being pulled over by the heavily armed mall security guards who are all veterans of the US war in Iraq were they manned checkpoints.
"Most people in Boson were already driving like this anyway, but now it's official," the Libertarian Party spokesperson said in a press conference. "Besides, stop signs are oppressive symbols leftover from a system of anti-individual authoritarians, and these better reflect our individualistic go-it-alone values."
Accidents increased pretty quickly after the change was made. The city council is considering a bill that would compel drivers to slap a "Coexist" sticker on the back of their car in order to help prevent collisions.
Liberal Democrats and the city council's lone Anarchist Party member have proposed that the "Freedom Stop Signs" be expanded to the entire city of Boson as a way to become a "national model" for freedom and individuality and a rejection of government oppression.
"That's exactly what a Trump supporter would say," responded Liberal Democratic Party City Councilor Ema Strickland who sees herself as an expert on what Trump supporters will say in almost any situation. Councilor Strickland is running for mayor and hopes to be the city's "First Lesbian Woman Mayor."
When asked why she was reaching out to Libertarians and Anarchists, Councilor Strickland responded, "I need every vote I can get for the primary. Passionate oddballs vote in primaries. I will abandon their ideas for the general election, as all politicians do." Councilor Strickland does not have a car, and does not even have a driver's license. "I'm trying to reduce my carbon footprint," she pointed out. "That's why I'm a Lesbian, and don't have children."
See Also: Youtube Video - Police Officer in Private Car Runs Stop Light - Arrests Driver Who Crashes into Officer's Private Car (1:33 min)
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