Harry Potter removed from Boson Catholic school library because the reader could conjure evil spirits (AP) 2 Sept 2019

Boson, Mass. (AP) — A Catholic school in Boson has removed the Harry Potter books from its library after the school's priest decided they could cause a reader to conjure evil spirits.
In an email obtained by The Boson Post, the Rev. Dan Reehil of Boson’s St. Malarchy  Catholic School said he consulted exorcists in the U.S. and Rome who recommended removing the books.

Father Reehil wrote, "The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text."

Catholic Diocese of Boson superintendent Rebecca Hammel said Reehil has the final say at his school.

Hammel said she thinks the books by J.K. Rowling are still on the shelves of other libraries in the diocese.

In order to protect the students from deadly spells such as Avada Kedavra, Wingardium Leviosa, and Lumos, the school's faculty announced a ban on all concealed carry of Harry Potter books.

"Listen, if you've got a concealed carry permit, that's fine," the Rev. Peter Mandolin said in a speech to students, "you're welcome to carry off school grounds. But when you come on campus, we need to make sure all students feel safe, and that means nobody has to fear that another kid is going to whip out a copy of Order of the Phoenix and read off some Satanic spell to harm you."

The ban was instituted as the school pastor learned that kids all over the country were casting real Harry Potter spells at each other, something that's been going on for ages. Just last week, a high school in Kentucky was subjected to an Oculus Reparo spell by a deranged student. Dozens of kids' glasses were fixed in the tragic "mass spelling."

Faculty also warned students not to shoot off spells from other franchises, such as using a cantrip like Magic Missile on students who bullied you to get revenge.

"Spells are never hip or dope," said Mandolin. "Satanism is not chill, ya know what I mean, fam?"
At publishing time, sources had further confirmed the school was designated an "Avada Kedavra-free zone" to prevent deadly mass spell attacks.

Copyright 2019 Associated Press. All rights reserved.


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