Boson Green Party Overjoyed At COVID-19 - Climate Alarmists See Opportunity - See Nature As Justly Punishing Humanity
Boston's Green Party environmentalists are giddy at the atmosphere of fear and panic that COVID-19 has created; for them the virus is an instrument for realizing the dream of a society that runs according to the alarmists' green dogma.
“Some believe the pandemic is a once-in-a-generation chance to remake society and build a better future,” argues one advocate of climate alarmism.
The lead organizer was University of Massachusetts at Boson philosophy professor Mortricia McCormack, who has written the book The Anti-human Manifesto.
Several speakers advanced the claim that global warming, species extinction, the emergence of superbugs and the eating of meat are somehow directly or indirectly linked to the outbreak of the current pandemic. They regard the fears and anxiety generated by the current public health emergency as an opportunity to promote the message that, unless we accept their dogma, humanity will become extinct.
According to Boson's Green Party, being scared for your life is the desirable state to be in. One masked speaker said, “we need to learn to be scared together, to agree on what we’re terrified about”!
Boson City Council President Ema Stickland, who is running for mayor this year as a Democrat, spoke to the online audience from her self quarantine at her home via Skype. Councilor Strickland said that she was sadly glad that people where in a state of fear.
"Let's use that fear and get things done," Councilor Strickland said. "Every crisis is an opportunity."
Why? Because collective fears will force governments to act!
Back in the 17th century, the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes anticipated the green politics of fear in his classic text, The Leviathan. Hobbes claimed that it is good when people are scared and frightened.
Why? Because in their state of fear people will readily subject themselves to an absolutist ruler in exchange for his protection.
Leviathan argues for a social contract and rule by an absolute sovereign. Hobbes wrote that civil war and the brute situation of a state of nature ("the war of all against all") could only be avoided by strong, undivided government.
One does not need a PhD in philosophy to understand that climate alarmist politics leads straight to the doorstep of the Leviathan.
Boson's Green Party, and most 'deep green' environmentalists seek an Environmental Dictatorship that can simply order the population around to 'Save the Planet' and for humanity's "Own Good."
The online rally ended with all promising not to use 'single use' plastic bags at supermarkets and retail outlets. Many cities and towns in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had banned plastic bags in recent years. But, Governor Charles Baker issued an executive order allowing the use of plastic bags during the COVID-19 crisis to help stop the spread of the virus and other germs.
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