Jeffrey Epstein Statue To Be Removed From Boson City Hall Plaza


(AP)  After a heated debate about preserving history and examining the sins of the past to learn from them the Boson City Council eventually voted unanimously to move the bronze statue of Super Spy Jeffrey Epstein to the Museum of Find Art.

Epstein led a charmed life that allowed him to accumulate billions of dollars somehow as he wined and dined and whored around with the Clintons, and Harvey Weinstein,  UK 'Prince' Andrew, and Harvard University's legal eagle Alan Dershowitz who donated the statue to the City of Boson after the work was rejected at Harvard Law School.

While Epstein was sought out by many colleges and universities he never went to college himself and learned his 'trade' without any advanced degrees.

But not having any credentials that anyone could publicly verify did not stop Epstein from getting jobs usually reserved for the university trained.  As a twenty-something in New York City Epstein was hired by the current US Attorney General Barr's father to teach high school science classes at one of the most exclusive upper-class schools.  Epstein was notable for his efforts to encourage young women to study biology and anatomy.

Epstein's life long efforts to reach out to high school age girls to help them learn about anatomy is by now known to all. 

Epstein's co-conspirator spy Ghislaine Maxwell continued a family tradition of spying and collecting information and videos of the rich and powerful to help Israel.

Robert Maxwell, who was Gishlaine's father, was an immigrant to the UK who worked tirelessly assembling a media empire to help advance the cause of Israel.  Maxwell seemed to be able to get large sums of money with little work as he bought up newspapers across the UK.  

In 1991, Robert Maxwell's naked body was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean, having fallen overboard from his yacht. He was buried in Jerusalem. Maxwell was accorded a lavish state funeral in Israel, attended by Israeli Prime Minister Shamir, Israeli President Herzog, ″no less than six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence"and many dignitaries and politicians, and was buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.  "The world will never know the full extent of the services Maxwell gave to Israel," Yitzahk Shamir said at the funeral leading many to believed that Maxwell worked with Israeli spies.

Many have speculated that Ghislaine Maxwell was also working with Israeli spies to get compromising videos and situations with young girls to entrap politicians and other public figures who could be blackmailed into favoring Israel.   Ghislaine Maxwell was free to travel the world despite her systematic sex trafficking in underage girls until her arrest on 2 July 2020.

Maxwell sought to have court records from an earlier defamation case against her by Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre kept under seal. “The sealed testimony or summaries may inappropriately influence potential witnesses or alleged victims,” her lawyer told a federal judge.
Maxwell introduced Epstein to many of the high-profile political and celebrity figures who were subsequently embroiled in the underage sex trafficking scandal.

Former Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe has claimed Maxwell was a Mossad agent like her father and that the pair used underage girls as bait to blackmail world leaders.

Giuffre partially confirmed this in a 2015 affidavit. She explained that Epstein asked her to “describe sex” with the powerful people she was set up with so that they would be “in his pocket” and he would “have something on them.”

"Let's just hope no one sneaks into the museum at night when the guards are asleep and tries to strangle the statue," quipped Boson Mayor Welsh as the statue was being carted away.  


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